Examples of Silvicultural treatment in a sentence
Silvicultural treatment" means any vegetative or other treatment applied to a managed forest to improve the conditions of the stand, and may include harvesting, thinning, prescribed burning, and pruning.
Silvicultural treatment shall include the following activities: site preparation, planting, vegetation control, precommercial thinning, commercial thinning, fertilization, mechanical or chemical pest and disease control, pruning, inventorying, cruising, or regeneration surveys, fencing established to protect seedlings, and genetic tree improvement.
The manuscript received by TAG from the writers/legal heirs will be considered for publication only after getting the approval from the Recommendation Board appointed by TAG.
Silvicultural treatment plans for such multi-purpose mountain forests need to be tailored to stand and site conditions, and prioritized management objectives.
Silvicultural treatment activities for the study watersheds.†Treatment Group ID Watershed (year established) Treatment activity DateControl 1 SW3 and SW5 (1982), SW8 (1989) – –Conventional 2 SW2 (1982), SW4 (1997), SW9 (1982) Clear-cut harvest April–June 2002Aerial broadcast herbicide site preparation of Arsenal(1.17 L ha21 imazapyr) and Accord (4.68 L ha21 glyphosate)28–29 Sept.
Silvicultural treatment of forest stands requires knowledge of successional processes (Means 1982, Murphy 1991) as does management of livestock grazing on natural rangelands (Busby and others 1994).
There are 3 restoration models and 1 silviculture treatment demonstration that will be tested in this project: (1) Restoring the deforested (open) areas; (2) Restoration of severely degraded forest; (3) Restoration of moderately degraded forest; and (4) Silvicultural treatment of dense forest.
If a person is convicted of an offence for contravening this By-Law or an Order issued under this By-Law, the court in which the conviction has been entered, and any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter, may order the person to rehabilitate the land or to plant or replant Trees in such a manner and within such period as the court considers appropriate, including any Silvicultural treatment necessary to re-establish the Trees.
Figure 8:Wisconsin Police Policies on Showups 90.00%80.00%70.00%60.00%50.00%40.00%30.00%20.00%10.00%0.00%Agencies w/ show-up policiesAll responding agencies In sum, the Wisconsin data show that the bottom-up experimentalist ap- proach has produced real advancements in local policies, but has permitted significant minorities – and on some issues even significant majorities – to448 MISSOURI LAW REVIEW [Vol.
Silvicultural treatment shall be introduced through enrichment planting of commercially valued species.