Examples of SKA Project in a sentence
In the case of renewable energy projects, Eskom and the SKA Project Office must be included in the list of Organs of State.
CB and RM acknowledge support from the South African SKA Project and the National Research Foundation of South Africa (Grant No. 75415).
However, they each recognise that certain of the commitments included in this MoU need to have contractually binding effect in the interests of the SKA Project as a whole.
SKA Organisation will use all reasonable endeavours to communicate openly and in a timely manner with Consortium Members in respect of all matters pertaining to the delivery of the Work Package deliverables and the SKA Project generally.
A socio-economic baseline study has been completed for the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) project, and the South African SKA Project Office (SASPO) was awaiting the report by end of March 2008.
The SKA Project is evaluating the alternative locations for the SKA.
The SSAC found the comparative cost review carried out by the SKA Project Office invaluable but in the end had to accept that it could not always understand the differences in costs between sections of the two submissions.
The principles of the Act stipulate that any intervention must: benefit the adult; be the least restrictive option and take into account the views of the adult and their family/carers.
It made provision for the expansion of the Steering Committee to 21 members (7 each for Europe, USA, and the Rest of the World) and the establishment of the International SKA Project Office.
In addition, the South African SKA Project Office has sourced 2.5m resolution colour Spot 5 satellite imagery annually since 2006.