Examples of Skill certification in a sentence
Certified employees will indicate on their time sheets the multilingual skill code ML 5 for Basic Skill certification.
Officers certified at the expert skill level for interrogations and investigations will receive three dollars per hour for all hours actually worked.1 Certified officers will indicate on their time sheets the multilingual skill code ML3 for Basic Skill certification, and ML4 for Advanced Skill certification and ML7 for Expert Skill for interrogations and investigations.
Officers certified at the expert skill level for interrogations and investigations will receive three dollars per hour for all hours actually worked.2 Certified officers will indicate on their time sheets the multilingual skill code ML3 for Basic Skill certification, and ML4 for Advanced Skill certification and ML7 for Expert Skill for interrogations and investigations.
Brian Klovski has been working on compliance with coordinated policies.
Skill certification may also be undertaken as part of national qualifications frameworks and extended to cover apprenticeships (Johanson & Adams, 2004).
Skill certification may be free of charge (covered by the government), while providing employers guidance of the specific skills the employee possesses;• Promoting VET schools and motivating youth for high-skill occupations.
Key Results (From PCN) Key results of the Project will be measured in terms of the following four areas of the PDO: Number of students trained at different levels Skill certification and employment rates of graduates Occupational standards and qualification developed with industry and adopted Partnerships developed with private sectors Partnerships to strengthen non-project national TVET centers Beneficiaries.