Small commercial structure definition

Small commercial structure means a nonresidential structure that has a ground area of
Small commercial structure means a nonresidential structure that has a ground
Small commercial structure means a nonresidential structure that has a ground area of 4,000 square feet or less, including exterior walls, and a height of not more than 20 feet from the top surface of the lowest flooring to the highest interior overhead finish of the structure.

More Definitions of Small commercial structure

Small commercial structure means a nonresidential structure that has a ground area of 4,000 square feet or less, including exterior walls, and a height of not more than

Related to Small commercial structure

  • Soil structure means the arrangement of primary soil particles into compound particles, peds, or clusters that are separated by natural planes of weakness from adjoining aggregates.

  • Residential structure means an individual residential condominium unit or a residential building containing not more than 2 residential units, the land on which it is or will be located, and all appurtenances, in which the owner or lessee contracting for the improvement is residing or will reside upon completion of the improvement.

  • Water control structure means a structure within, or adjacent to, a water, which intentionally or coincidentally alters the hydraulic capacity, the flood elevation resulting from the two-, 10-, or 100-year storm, flood hazard area limit, and/or floodway limit of the water. Examples of a water control structure may include a bridge, culvert, dam, embankment, ford (if above grade), retaining wall, and weir.

  • Support Structure means a structure in a public right-of-way other than a Pole or a Tower to which a Wireless Facility is attached at the time of the Application.

  • utility structure means transmission and distribution lines

  • Health maintenance organization means a person licensed pursuant to Chapter 43 (§ 38.2-4300 et

  • Regulatory Floodway means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height.

  • Ephemeral stream means a feature that carries only stormwater in direct response to precipitation with water flowing only during and shortly after large precipitation events. An ephemeral stream may or may not have a well-defined channel, the aquatic bed is always above the water table, and stormwater runoff is the primary source of water. An ephemeral stream typically lacks the biological, hydrological, and physical characteristics commonly associated with the continuous or intermittent conveyance of water.

  • Commercial sex act means any sex act on account of which anything of value is given to or received by any person.

  • Development Application means the development application identified in Item 5 of Schedule 1 and includes all plans, reports models, photomontages, material boards (as amended supplemented) submitted to the consent authority before the determination of that Development Application.

  • Historic Structure means any structure that is:

  • Certified historic structure means a property listed individually on the Virginia Landmarks Register,

  • Perennial stream means a well-defined channel that contains water year round during a year of normal rainfall with the aquatic bed located below the water table for most of the year. Groundwater is the primary source of water for a perennial stream, but it also carries stormwater runoff. A perennial stream exhibits the typical biological, hydrological, and physical characteristics commonly associated with the continuous conveyance of water.

  • Internal Collaboration means collaborative arrangements within a group of companies or within various strategic business. units/subsidiaries/operating divisions in order to gain a strategic position whilst sharing resources, profits and losses as well as risks

  • Expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdivision means the preparation of additional sites by the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads).

  • Arterial street means any United States or state numbered route, controlled access highway, or other major radial or circumferential street or highway designated by local authorities within their respective jurisdictions as part of a major arterial system of streets or highways.

  • Sustainability Structuring Agent means PNC Capital Markets LLC.

  • Accessory structure means a structure that is accessory and incidental to a dwelling located on the same lot.

  • Existing Manufactured Home Park or Manufactured Home Subdivision means a manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including, at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) was completed before the initial effective date of the floodplain management regulations adopted by the community.

  • Municipal Structures Act means the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act No. 117 of 1998);

  • Control strategy means a plan to attain National Ambient Air Quality Standards or to prevent exceeding those standards.

  • Planning Application means the application for [outline/full] planning permission dated [ ] bearing the Council’s reference number [ ];

  • Planned External Financed Generation Capacity Resource means a Planned External Generation Capacity Resource that, prior to August 7, 2015, has an effective agreement that is the equivalent of an Interconnection Service Agreement, has submitted to the Office of the Interconnection the appropriate certification attesting achievement of Financial Close, and has secured at least 50 percent of the MWs of firm transmission service required to qualify such resource under the deliverability requirements of the Reliability Assurance Agreement.

  • Relevant Electric Retail Regulatory Authority means an entity that has jurisdiction over and establishes prices and policies for competition for providers of retail electric service to end- customers, such as the city council for a municipal utility, the governing board of a cooperative utility, the state public utility commission or any other such entity.

  • Accessory Structure (Appurtenant Structure means a structure located on the same parcel of property as the principal structure and the use of which is incidental to the use of the principal structure. Garages, carports and storage sheds are common urban accessory structures. Pole barns, hay sheds and the like qualify as accessory structures on farms, and may or may not be located on the same parcel as the farm dwelling or shop building.

  • Foreign Financial Regulatory Authority shall have the meaning given by Section 2(a)(50) of the 0000 Xxx.