Examples of Small Community Grant in a sentence
They come in a long line of authors since the end of the war that has, to varying degrees and with varying success, taken up the topic of the Holocaust.
This includes the use of reduced interest rates, PF, the Small Community Grant (SCG) Fund and other sources of funds appropriated to the State Water Board and other state and federal funding sources, to the extent they are available and compatible with the CWSRF, to maximize the financing of water quality projects.
The Municipality will secure the Small Community Grant Easement for the project.
Specifically, these additional funding sources are: (i) Prop 1 funds for SDAC and DAC wastewater, water recycling, stormwater, and groundwater projects; and (ii) PF funds; and (iii) Small Community Grant (SCG) funds provided through fees in lieu of interest.
R-2020-088- Approving The Submission Of A Grant Application To Texas Parks And Wildlife For The Small Community Grant Program For The Park Adjacent To Harry Herndon Elementary School; Designating The City Manager As The City’s Authorized Representative; And Providing An Effective Date.
The Office provides small disadvantaged and small severely disadvantaged communities low interest loans and principal forgiveness through the DWSRF program and grants through the Small Community Grant Drinking Water (SCG-DW) program utilizing state and federal funds.
The Department will consider late applications on a case-by-case basis and reserves the right to reject late applications that do not meet the conditions outlined in the Order Soliciting Small Community Grant Applications.
As part of the implementation of SBFCA’s Strategic Plan, new Capital Programs were added that include the Small Community Grant program and a Compliance & Accreditation Program.
Specifically, these additional funding sources may include but not be limited to: (i) Prop 1, Prop 68, and the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000 (Prop 13) funds for SDAC and DAC wastewater, water recycling, stormwater, groundwater, and other authorized projects; (ii) PF funds; and (iii) Small Community Grant (SCG) funds provided through fees in lieu of interest.
Dan Cassinelli made a motion approving a $346 withdrawal from the Paradise Valley Small Community Grant funding.