Small emissions unit means an emissions unit that emits or has the potential to emit the PAL pollutant in an amount less than the significant level for that PAL pollutant, as defined in section 140 or in the Act, whichever is lower.
Small emissions unit means an emissions unit that emits or has the potential to emit the PAL pollutant in an amount less than the significant level for that PAL pollutant, as defined in paragraph (b)(23) of this section or in the Act, whichever is lower. For a GHG PAL issued on a CO2e basis, small emis- sions unit means an emissions unit that emits or has the potential to emit less than the amount of GHGs on a CO2e basis defined as ‘‘significant’’ for the purposes of paragraph (b)(49)(iii) of this section at the time the PAL permit is being issued.
Small emissions unit means an emissions unit that emits or has the potential to emit the PAL pollutant in an amount less than the significant level for that PAL pollutant.
More Definitions of Small emissions unit
Small emissions unit means an emissions unit that emits or has the potential to emit the PAL pollutant in an amount less than the significant level for that PAL pollutant, as defined in Chapter 2 of this regulation or in the Clean Air Act, whichever is lower.
Small emissions unit means an emissions unit that emits or has the potential to emit the PAL regulated air contaminant in an amount less than the significant level for that PAL regulated air contaminant, as defined in s. NR 405.02 (27) or in the Act, which- ever is lower.
Small emissions unit means an emissions unit that emits, or has the potential to emit, the PAL pollutant in an amount less than the significant level (as defined in Section 2 of this rule or in the CAA, whichever is lower).
Small emissions unit means an emissions unit that emits or has the potential to emit the PAL pollutant in an amount less than the PAL pollutant's applicable significant level as defied in subsection (218) of this section; or in 42 U.S.C. 7401 to 7671q, whichever is lower.
Small emissions unit means an emis- sions unit that emits or has the potential to emit the PAL pollutant in an amount less than the significant level for that PAL pol- lutant, as defined in paragraph II.A.10 of this Ruling or in the Act, whichever is lower.
Small emissions unit means an emissions unit that emits or has the potential to emit the PAL
Small emissions unit means an emissions unit that emits or has the