Examples of Snow Fence in a sentence
Construct a Fence, a Snow Fence, or a solid wall to enclose an exterior area such as a patio.
We wouldn’t be able to handle a break on the line to the fuel storage.• Snow Fence – When the project is complete, it will be off of the easement by about 10 feet.• Water/sewer Expansion – We do not have a rock saw and a bigger backhoe to work on the current breakage in the water/sewer line.
Snow Fence - Only evergreens may be planted as living snow fence.
Maint DOTREGION MATERIALS CERTIFICATION REQUIRED: YES NO WIP #: CERTIFIED INSPECTORS/TESTERS REQUIRED: YES NO TO BE INSTALLED ON CM&P: YESNO TYPE, PURPOSE AND LOCATION OF WORK: Snow Fence ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES AND COST BID ITEM NUMBERTOTALCONTRACTOR’S PROPOSAL STATEMENTThe undersigned agrees to offer the labor and material in the quantities, at the unit price, for the purpose, in the place, and in accordance with attached provisions.
This can be used for another project.• Van Lanen: discussed briefly and updated the Town’s Business Park (the purchase of the land, and we have sold some of the land already without actively marketing it).• 2019 Road Budget: It was read into the record the 2019 road budget.In 2019 the Town budgeted for roads:Road Maint Snow Plowing$ 90,000 Road Maint Snow Salting/Sand$ 30,000 Road Maint Snow Fence$ 8,000 Road Maint.