Sodium bentonite definition

Sodium bentonite means a clay formed from the decomposition and recrystallization of volcanic ash and is largely composed of the clay mineral montmorillonite (Na.33 (Al1.67Mg.33) Si4O10 (OH)2), commonly referred to as “western” or “Wyoming” bentonite, and has extensive ability to absorb water and swell to many times its original volume.
Sodium bentonite means a colloidal clay that:

Examples of Sodium bentonite in a sentence

  • Sodium bentonite grout shall be a mix- ture of sodium bentonite and water that results in a grout contain- ing 20 percent solids, or greater, by weight and shall be mixed according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

  • Sodium bentonite (swelling clay) is available in many forms from granules to pellets to chips.

  • Sodium bentonite as a toxin binder decreases the adverse effect of aflatoxin and causes the improvement of chickens performance [6,7,8,9].

  • Sodium bentonite clays tend to have higher dry strengths than calcium bentonites and the other type of clays.

  • The effect of feeding three levels of Sodium bentonite to laying hens.

  • Granular Bentonite: Sodium bentonite clay containing a minimum of 90 percent montmorillonite (hydrated aluminum silicate), with a minimum of 90 percent passing a No. 20 sieve.

  • Proposed binder components for this project are:Cement: Portland Cement Type IIBentonite: Sodium bentonite (API 13A) without additives Additives: Delvo, or equivalent.

  • Indirect bullying: Influencing, encouraging or organising others to be involved in any type of bullying.

  • Attachment Attachment Name/Description Attachment 1 Required Attachment Checklist Attachment2Contractors Certification Sheet Attachment3Bid Form Attachment4Bidders Bond Attachment5Darfur Contracting Act Certification Attachment6Payee Data Record (STD 204) Attachment7Contractor Certification Clauses (CCC-307).

  • Sodium bentonite can also degrade in environments with free iron.

Related to Sodium bentonite

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