Soil conservation practices definition
Examples of Soil conservation practices in a sentence
Soil conservation practices (e.g., terraces, grassed waterways) that are damaged by pipeline construction will be restored to their preconstruction condition.
Soil conservation practices shall be completed during the fall or late winter to reduce erosion during spring runoff.
Soil conservation practices such as terraces and grassed waterways which are damaged by the transmission line's construction, will be restored to their pre-construction condition.
Soil conservation practices such as terraces, runoff diversions and grassed waterways which are used for erosion control shall not require a permit under Section 7.2 when designed and constructed to Soil Conservation Service technical standards.
Soil conservation practices such as tiled terraces, runoff diversions and grassed waterways used for erosion control shall not require a permit under s.
Soil conservation practices can be vegetative, structural, or agronomic in nature.
Seedlings 800 trees/acre for natural stands 400 trees/acre for planted standsSaplings 400 trees/acre for natural stands 300 trees/acre for planted standsPoletimber 7 cords/acreSawtimber 3,000 board feet/acre • Post harvest and pre-harvest treatment to ensure adequate regeneration.• Soil conservation practices to control erosion from forestry practices.
Soil conservation practices such as but not limited to diversions and grassed waterways used for erosion control shall not require a permit under 13.10(2) of this chapter when designed and constructed to Natural Resources Conservation Service technical standards.
Soil as resource, Soil classification, genesis, causes of soil degradation and their effects, Soil conservation practices, wasteland reclamation.Mineral resource : important minerals; mineral exploitation; use of minerals; environmental problems due to mining; reclamation of mining areas;Energy resources : conventional energy resources (fossil fuels, biomass), nonconventional energy resources (wind energy, solar energy) energy use patter;environmental problems due to energy use.
Soil conservation practices such as tiled terraces, runoff diversions and grassed waterways used for erosion control shall not require a permit when designed and constructed to Natural Resource Conservation Service technical standards.