Solid fuel burning device means a device that burns seasoned wood, coal, or any other nongaseous or nonliquid fuels except those prohibited by Rule 8.1.3. This also includes devices used for aesthet- ic or a space heating purpose, which has ((a)) heat input less than one million British thermal units per hour. A cook stove is specifi- cally excluded from this definition.
Solid fuel burning device means any device for burning wood, coal, or any other nongaseous and nonliquid fuel, including a woodstove and fireplace.
Solid fuel burning device means any fireplace, fireplace insert, woodstove, wood burning heater, wood fired boiler, coal-fired furnace, coal stove, or similar device burning any solid fuel used for aesthetic, cooking, or heating purposes, that burns less than 1,000,000 BTU’s per hour.
Examples of Solid fuel burning device in a sentence
Agency represents Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency.• Cook stove – Descriptors added to better define what makes an appliance a cook stove.• Solid fuel burning device – Updated for clarification.• Smoke control zone – Language updated for clarification.• Woodstove – Updated to better describe criteria an appliance needs to meet to be a woodstove.
Solid fuel burning device means a device that burns wood, or any other nongaseous or non-liquid fuels, and includes any device burning any solid fuel used for aesthetic or space-heating purposes including but not limited to a fireplace, wood stove, or pellet stove.
More Definitions of Solid fuel burning device
Solid fuel burning device means any device used for burning wood, coal, or any other nongaseous and non-liquid fuel, including, but not limited to, wood stoves, but excluding outdoor wood boilers, which are regulated under R307-208.
Solid fuel burning device means any device that burns wood, coal or other nongaseous or nonliquid fuels for aesthetic, space-heating or water-heating purposes in a private residential structure or a commercial establishment and that has a heat output of less than one million British thermal units per hour.
Solid fuel burning device means fireplaces, wood stoves and boilers used for burning wood, coal, or any other nongaseous and non-liquid fuel, both indoors and outdoors, but excluding outdoor wood boilers, which are regulated under R307-208.
Solid fuel burning device means a burning device designed for solid fuel combustion so that usable heat is derived for the interior of a building, and includes, without limitation, solid fuel-fired stoves, wood stoves of any nature, fireplaces, pellet stoves, solid fuel-fired cooking stoves, combination fuel furnaces or boilers which burn solid fuel, or any other device used for the burning of solid combustible material. Solid fuel burning devices do not include gas log fireplaces, decorative gas appliances or electrical appliances. (Ord. 99-31 § 1; Ord. 92-18 § 2)
Solid fuel burning device means a device designed for solid fuel combustion so that usable heat is derived for the interior of a building, and includes, without limitation, solid fuel burning stoves, fireplace inserts, woodstoves of any nature, or pellet stoves used for space heating which can burn solid fuel. Unmodified fireplaces and solid fuel burning devices not subject to DEQ certification are excluded from this definition.
Solid fuel burning device means a device that is designed to burn wood, coal, or any other nongaseous or nonliquid fuels, and includes woodstoves, coal stoves, cook stoves, pellet stoves, and fireplaces, or any similar device burning any solid fuel. It includes devices used for aesthetic or space-heating purposes in a private residence or commercial establishment, which have a heat input less than one million British thermal units per hour.
Solid fuel burning device means a device that burns wood, coal or any other non-gaseous or non-liquid fuel, and includes any device burning any solid fuel used for aesthetic or space heating purposes within a Building, and includes a fireplace, wood stove, fireplace insert or wood heater;