Source operation definition

Source operation means the last operation preceding the emission of an air contaminant, and which results in the separation of the air contaminant from the process materials or in the conversion of the process materials into air contaminants, but is not an air pollution control operation.
Source operation means the last operation preceding the emission of an air contaminant, which operation:
Source operation or “source” means any process, or any identifiable part thereof, that emits or can reasonably be anticipated to emit any air contaminant either directly or indirectly into the outdoor atmosphere. A source operation may include one or more pieces of equipment or control apparatus.

Examples of Source operation in a sentence

  • This test plan must include the following: Test duration; Test location(s); Test method(s); and Source operation and other parameters that may affect test results.

  • The following chart shows the answers: Twelve and a half percent of the parents said children should not be allowed to walk to school at any age.

  • Henderson, Spallation Neutron Source operation at 1 MW and beyond, in Proc.

  • You may do so (and overwrite your modifications) individually using a right-click "Get Source" operation, or in batch from the workspace status dashboard, using the "Get Selected Files" button.

  • However, if "I" blow the whistle ABC will survive and the local bank will not suffer a "devastating loss." If "I" remain silent, the fraud will continue, ABC will be bankrupt in three years; ABC's employees will lose their jobs; and the local bank will suffer a devastating loss.

More Definitions of Source operation

Source operation means the last operation preceding emission which operation:
Source operation means any process or any identifiable part thereof that emits or can reasonably be anticipated to emit any air contaminant either directly or indirectly into the outdoor atmosphere.
Source operation means the last operation preceding the emission of an air contaminant, which operation (a) results in the separation of the air con- taminant from process materials or in the conversion of the process materials into air contaminants, as in the case of combustion of fuel; and (b) is not pri- marily an air pollution abatement op- eration.
Source operation means any process, or any identifiable part thereof, that emits or can reasonably be anticipated to emit any air contaminant either directly or indirectly into the outdoor atmosphere. A source operation may include one or more pieces of equipment or control apparatus. This term includes the termemissions unit” as defined at 40 CFR 70.2.
Source operation means the last operation in a manufacturing process preceding the emission of air contaminants which operation:
Source operation means the last operation preceding the emission of particulate matter, which results in the separation of the particulate matter emissions from the processed materials or the conversion of the processed materials into the particulate matter emissions, excluding those operations which are an integral part of the functioning of a control device.
Source operation means any process or any identifiable part thereof emitting air contaminants into the outdoor atmosphere through one or more stacks or chimneys. For purposes of this definition identical processes shall be considered as separate source operations.