Examples of South African company in a sentence
Any repayment of foreign currency loans by a South African company to an offshore company is subject to prior approval by the SARB.
Image not found or type unknown SurePure, leading South African company in liquid photo-purification, has received FSSAI approval for its proprietary photo- purification technology as an alternative process to thermal pasteurization for milk and other dairy products.
We are a proudly South African company continuously striving, and succeeding in many respects, to be at the edge of science, technology and engineering related to the safe use of nuclear knowledge to improve our world.
On 30 August 2016, the Group acquired 50% of the share capital of the South African company, Camargue Underwriting Managers Proprietary Limited (Camargue) and also entered into a call and a put option to purchase the remaining 50% in 2021.
Where the main contractor is a South African company, they will be required to submit a valid Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment certificate, which is either a SANAS Accredited BBBEE certificates for transactions more than R50 million or valid sworn affidavit (DTI Template) will be required for transactions below R50 million.SECTION K ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Provide any other relevant information related to this application.
With regard to the South African company in question, China Iron and Steel Association (‘CISA’) an interested party in this procedure, raised the point that the company was a subsidiary of one of the EU producers who supported the complaint.
Prior to the 2011 legislative amendments, deemed dividend rules contained a provision relating to transfer pricing, in terms of which a deemed dividend arose from any additional taxable income (or reduced assessed loss) of a South African company stemming from a transfer pricing adjustment.
Foreign Shareholder sells the shares cum dividend to Independent South African company for $1 million.
This definition also takes into account the existence of certain foreign entities that are not recognised as companies for South African company law purposes (e.g. Dutch co- operatives).
The net result (if allowed) would be to ultimately strip the overall South African company tax base as opposed to ultimate enhancement.