Cyprus means the Republic of Cyprus.
Cyprus means the Republic of Cyprus and, when used in a geographical sense, includes the national territory, the territorial sea thereof as well as any area outside the territorial sea, including the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf, which has been or may hereafter be designated, under the laws of Cyprus and in accordance with international law, as an area within which Cyprus may exercise sovereign rights or jurisdiction;
Cyprus means Cyprus Creek Land Resources, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company,
Examples of Cyprus in a sentence
For the purpose of this Agreement, Clients are the individuals and legal entities who are residents of EU countries (for the avoidance of doubt, this Offer is only available to EU residents who are managed in Cyprus and/or Germany) and residents of Switzerland and UAE.
More Definitions of Cyprus
Cyprus means the Republic of Cyprus; 「 塞 浦 路 斯 」 指 塞 浦 路 斯 共 和 国 ;
Cyprus means Cyprus Gold Exploration Corporation;
Cyprus means Cyprus Mines Corporation.
Cyprus means the Republic of Cyprus and when used in a geographical sense includes the territorial waters of Cyprus and any area outside Cyprus which in accordance with international law and the laws of Cyprus is an area within which the rights of Cyprus with respect to the natural resources of the seabed and subsoil may be exercised;
Cyprus. The Central Depository and Central Registry (CDCR) Czech Republic: Czech National Bank (CNB) Central Securities Depository (SCP) Denmark: Vaerdipapircentralen (VP) Ecuador: Deposito Centralizado de Compensacion Y Liquidacion de Valores (DECEVALE) S.A. Egypt: Misr for Clearing, Settlement and Depository (MCSD) Estonia: AS Eesti Väärtpaberikeskus (EVK) Euromarkets: Clearstream Banking Luxembourg Euroclear Bank Finland: Suomen Arvopaperikeskus Oy (APK) France: Euroclear France Germany: Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt (CBF) Ghana: Centralized Securities Depository system (CSD Greece: Kentriko Apothetirio Axion (KAA) (Central Securities Depository) Bank of Greece Guinea Bissau: Dépositaire Xxxxxxx/Xxxxxx xx Xxxxxxxxx (XXXX
Cyprus has the meaning set forth in the preamble.
Cyprus means the Republic of Cyprus