Special Rating definition
Examples of Special Rating in a sentence
This clause will not apply when other service charges (including availability charges) or an additional rate in respect of property situated in a special rating area (as contemplated in section 22 of the MPRA and the Special Rating Area By-law and Policy) are billed to that property nor will it apply to any units in a sectional title scheme.
The Issuer will not, without a Special Rating Agency Confirmation, take any action to waive, repeal, amend, vary, supplement or otherwise modify the provision of its LLC Agreement which requires action or consent of its special member or limits actions of the Issuer with respect to voluntary insolvency proceedings or involuntary insolvency proceedings of the Issuer.
A Flaxbourne Community Irrigation Loan Rate, pursuant to section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, to be set on the basis of a fixed amount per hectare of $1 on all land committed to receive a base allocation of water on every rating unit in the Flaxbourne Special Rating Area.
The steering committee has identified the Special Rating Area (SRA) model as a basis to address problems and counter any potential for further urban decay and the further increase of crime in the area.
Special Rating of Record A performance rating prepared at the end of the minimum 90 day period of performance, used in limited circumstances to document current performance as a basis of a personnel action.
The Agency uses the following standard when reporting FTE – Full Time Equivalent jobs: Full-time equivalent is a ratio that compares the number of hours worked during a pay period by an employee to the number of work hours during the pay period that equates to full time employment.
A Southern Valleys’ Irrigation Loan Rate, pursuant to section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, to be set on the basis of a fixed amount per irrigable hectare of $288.80 on every rating unit in the Southern Valleys’ Special Rating Area in respect of which no contribution to the lump sum scheme was chosen to fund debt servicing costs on Southern Valleys’ Irrigation Loans.
A Grovetown Sewerage Loan Rate pursuant to Section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 to be set at 0.224864 cents in the dollar on the land value of every rating unit in the Grovetown Sewerage Special Rating Area in respect of which no contribution to the lump sum scheme was chosen to fund debt servicing costs on Grovetown Sewerage Loans.
This policy will be referred to as the Special Rating Area Policy of the Overstrand Municipality.
While many South African towns, cities and urban nodes continue to display various levels of deterioration and most local authorities struggle to deal with the impact of urbanization and limited resources, the establishment of City Improvement Districts, or Special Rating Areas, is fast becoming an effective solution to halt environmental degradation and unacceptably high degrees of crime.