Spouse Member definition
Examples of Spouse Member in a sentence
There are four coverage levels and each level has an established minimum and maximum contribution: Member Only; Member and Spouse; Member and Children; Member, Spouse, and Children All Portico plans are “bundled” which means coverage is required on an “all or nothing” basis (i.e., a member cannot “opt” out of disability coverage, dental coverage, etc.).
She/He shall be a Spouse Member till the time of remarriage if at all and in such a case shall cease to be a Member of the Club in any manner.
There are four coverage levels and each level has an established minimum and maximum contribution: Member Only; Member and Spouse; Member and Children; Member, Spouse, and Children• All Portico plans are “bundled” which means coverage is required on an “all or nothing” basis (i.e., a member cannot “opt” out of disability coverage, dental coverage, etc.).
The Trustee may roll over, transfer or allot a Contributions-Splitting Superannuation Benefit to another Approved Benefit Arrangement or to a Spouse Member Account, in accordance with the Relevant Law.
A Surviving Spouse Member shall not be entitled to a vote at any meeting of the Club and may not hold office in the Club but may serve on Club committees and have full Club usage privileges.
The child(ren) may participate in the Plan on the day following the death of the child’s parent who was a Surviving Spouse Member of the Plan.
In addition, these dependents must continue to meet the definition of an eligible dependent ofthe Surviving Spouse Member under the provisions of the Plan.
This particularly involves adopting analogy semantics to specific domains like music, books, or movies - while current analogy systems and benchmark datasets (including AGS-2) focus on common-knowledge analogies (which is slightly easier due to the ready availability of both largetext corpora and ontologies).
Upon the death of a Personal Member, that Member’s surviving spouse or spousal equivalent shall be extended the opportunity to continue their Club Membership as a Surviving Spouse Member.
Dependents of an Employee or Surviving Spouse Member are eligible for coverage on the same date as that of the Employee Member or on the date such dependents are acquired, whichever is the later.