Spouse or Dependent definition
Examples of Spouse or Dependent in a sentence
A change in election for any individual other than your Spouse involved in the divorce, annulment, or legal separation, your deceased Spouse or Dependent, or your Dependent that ceased to satisfy the eligibility requirements would fail to correspond with that Change in Status.
For a Change in Status involving your divorce, annulment, or legal separation from your Spouse, the death of your Spouse or your Dependent, or your Dependent's ceasing to satisfy the eligibility requirements for coverage, you may elect only to cancel the accident or health benefits for the affected Spouse or Dependent.
If the Participant or the Participant's Spouse or Dependent who has been entitled to Medicaid or Medicare coverage loses eligibility, that individual may prospectively elect coverage under the Plan if a benefit package option under the Plan provides similar coverage.
If a person is covered as an Employee, he cannot be covered as a Spouse or Dependent Child of another Employee.
In addition, if the Participant, Spouse or Dependent gains or loses eligibility for coverage, then a Participant's election under the Plan to cease or decrease coverage for that individual under the Plan corresponds with that change in status only if coverage for that individual becomes applicable or is increased under the family member plan.
A Participant may make a prospective election change to add group health coverage for the Participant, the Participant's Spouse or Dependent if such individual loses group health coverage sponsored by a governmental or educational institution, including a state children's health insurance program under the Social Security Act, the Indian Health Service or a health program offered by an Indian tribal government, a state health benefits risk pool, or a foreign government group health plan.
Hence, you may only cancel accident or health coverage for the affected Spouse or Dependent.
The Prescription Drug Plan will require proof that a Spouse or Dependent Child qualifies or continues to qualify as a Dependent in the manner prescribed for such proof in the UC SHIP Benefit Booklet.Section 3.03 Enrollment An Insured Student must enroll or be enrolled for coverage in the manner prescribed in the UC SHIP Benefit Booklet.
Regardless of the consistency requirement, if the individual, the individual's Spouse, or Dependent becomes eligible for continuation coverage under the Employer's group health plan as provided in Code Section 4980B or any similar state law, then the individual may elect to increase payments under this Plan in order to pay for the continuation coverage.
In addition, you must satisfy the following specific requirements in order to alter your election based on that Change in Status: * Loss of Spouse or Dependent Eligibility; Special COBRA Rules.