Supplementary Regulations definition
Examples of Supplementary Regulations in a sentence
Art.) means an individually identified (numbered or lettered) section of the IMSA Sporting Regulations and/or the Series Supplementary Regulations.
Att.) means the sections of the Series Supplementary Regulations addressing specific additional requirements for a Series.
Par.) means an individually identified (numbered or lettered) section of the Series Supplementary Regulations Attachments.
The Supplementary Regulations are published in Lithuanian and English.
The abovementioned meeting has been authorised by Motorcycling Victoria (MV) and will be held in accordance with the General Competition Rules (GCR’s) of Motorcycling Australia (MA), the by-laws of MV, these Supplementary Regulations and any final instructions issued by the stewards of the meeting.BY ENTERING THIS MEETING ALL PARTIES AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THESE RULES, REGULATIONS, BY-LAWS AND INSTRUCTIONS.