Examples of State average current expense appropriations per student in a sentence
Earnings per share are calculated by dividing net income for the financial period by the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period.
To derive the current expense48 appropriations per student that the county could be able to provide given the county's wealth and49 an average effort to fund public schools, multiply the county's wealth as a percentage of State50 average wealth by the State average current expense appropriations per student.
To derive the current expense appropriations per student that the county could be able to provide given the county's wealth and an average e fort to fund public schools, multiply the county's wealth as a percentage of State average wealth by the State average current expense appropriations per student.
For the 1995-96 fiscal year, "State average current expense appropriations per student" means the most recent State total of county current expense appropriations to public schools, as reported by counties in the annual county financial information report to the State Treasurer.
To derive the current expense appropriations per student that the county could be able to provide given the county's wealth and an average ef ort to fund public schools, multiply the county's wealth as a percentage of State average wealth by the State average current expense appropriations per student.