State Medicaid agency definition
State Medicaid agency. ’ means, with respect to a
State Medicaid agency. ’ means the State agency responsible for administering the State Medicaid plan.
State Medicaid agency means the Bureau for Medical Services that is the federally
Examples of State Medicaid agency in a sentence
Contracts with these health plans are on file at the State Medicaid agency.
Specify the state line of authority for the operation of the waiver (select one): The waiver is operated by the State Medicaid agency.
The State Medicaid agency is responsible for ensuring effective oversight of the waiver program, including administrative and operational functions performed by DDS.
The Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) is the State Medicaid agency and administers the public insurance program known as SoonerCare.
DDS ensures, under the oversight of the Department of Health Care Services, the State Medicaid agency, that the HCBS Waiver is implemented by regional centers in accordance with Medicaid law and the State’s approved Waiver application.
More Definitions of State Medicaid agency
State Medicaid agency means the Bureau for Medical Services that is the federally designated single state agency charged with administration and supervision of the state Medicaid program.
State Medicaid agency means the agency established or designated by each state to administer or supervise the administration of the state’s Medicaid program, in accordance with 42 U.S.C. § 1396a.
State Medicaid agency means the agency designated by a state under sections 1902(a)(5) and 1927(k)(9) of the Act to administer or supervise the administration of the Medicaid program.
State Medicaid agency means the single State agency administering or supervisingthe administration of a State Medicaid plan.
State Medicaid agency means the State agency which administers the State Medicaid managed care program, as implemented from time to time.
State Medicaid agency means the Bureau of Medical
State Medicaid agency means the Bureau of Medical Services within the department