State road definition

State road means a street, road, highway, or
State road means any road, way or land declared as a State road under section 3 and includes any lands acquired or demarcated for construction of a State road, but does not include any national highway as defined or declared as such under the National Highways Act, 1956 (Central Act 48 of 1956) ;
State road means a street, road, highway, or 963 other way open to travel by the public generally and dedicated 964 to the public use according to law or by prescription and

Examples of State road in a sentence

  • Should the applicant propose to direct pedestrians onto the road pavement of a State road then an application is to be made to the RTA for a Road Occupancy Licence.

  • If any of the Work is within or directly abuts a State road, the Contractor must secure and pay for an “Encroachment Permit” from the Connecticut Department of Transportation – District 1.

  • Care shall be taken when compacting the material around the bells, couplings or joints.In connection with these Specifications, tests shall be made in accordance with the Caltrans Standard Specifications, and these requirements: In trenches placed in easements, which are not in traveled County, City, Town and State road rights-of-way, backfill shall be compacted to mound so that drainage to the trench shall not occur.

  • The Phase 3 group will require more extensive design and permitting (County and State road opening permits).We will continue to coordinate with the Township Solicitor to obtain agreements to access all of the properties so that we can complete the design, permitting, and construction on the properties.

  • All roads providing access from a subdivision/development to an existing paved County or State road shall be constructed to the appropriate County road specifications by the subdivider/developer, if the subdivider/developer desires to proceed with the project prior to the County’s performing the required construction pursuant to the County’s capital improvements program.

More Definitions of State road

State road means any of the streets, highways and roads under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Department of Transportation.
State road means aroad which—
State road means a street, road, highway, or other way open to travel by the public generally and dedicated to the public use according to law or by prescription and designated by the department, as provided by law, as part of the State Highway System.
State road means a road which—
State road means any public road within the State other than a road declared to be a Federal road under and by virtue of the Federal Roads Act 1959 [Act 376], and includes any lay-bys, interchanges, roundabouts, traffic islands, road dividers, side tables, median strips, overpasses, underpasses, approaches, ramps, toll plazas, sedric areas and other structures and fixtures on such road, and also includes any road used for logging or transportation of timber built on State land which the Minister shall, by notification in the Gazette, declare to be a State road.
State road. – means a road that is under the care, control and management of the Commissioner of Main Roads due to its proclamation as a “highway” or a “main road” under the provisions of the Main Roads Act 1930 (section 13).
State road. Means a Classified Road classed as a State Road by TFNSW for administrative purposes. The State Roads to which this Agreement applies are identified in Appendix 1.