Examples of Highways Act in a sentence
You are advised that prior to starting on site consent will be required from the Highway Authority for the works being proposed, under the Highways Act 1980 (unless alternatively specified under the legislation or Regulations listed below).
Section 278 (S278) of the Highways Act 1980 makes provision for the Highway Authority to enter into an agreement to execute works with any other person (either an individual / organisation / developer) to make modifications, improvements and changes to the highway and for those works to be funded by that person / developer or organisation.
In order to comply with the provisions of the Highways Act, and/or other Highways matters, you should contact Highways Services.
West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) – duties as a riparian2 land owner, and permissive powers¹ under Land Drainage Act 1991, Public Health Act 1936, Highways Act 1980 and Environmental Protection Act 1990.
These include powers to issue safety certificates for sports grounds and fire certificates, powers under the Highways Act 1980, powers to licence the employment of children, and animal movement licences.
Works equivalent to works undertaken under those sections of the Highways Act 1980, but carried out under powers conferred by the Order, are included through paragraph 1(b).
The definition includes, at sub-sections 86(3)(b) and (f), works undertaken under powers conferred by sections 64 and 184 the Highways Act 1980.
Any such wilful obstruction is an offence under S137 of the Highways Act 1980.
The case remains that an obstruction of the Highway is an offence under The Highways Act 1980 and will be dealt with by the Highways Authority or the Police.
Licences can only be granted in respect of highways listed in section 115A(1) Highways Act 1980.