Examples of State route in a sentence
Link types include freeway, freeway ramp, other State route, expressway, arterial, collector, and local collector.
These Right of Way Use Agreements are for construction purposes on parcels adjacent to the State route.
The philosophy described in Section 55-2.01(02) Item 2 for a 4R non- freeway State route should also be applied to a local project.
This sheet is a tablelized summary of structures, including des number, structure number, route and facility crossed, and location (referenced from the nearest State route, US route, or interstate), latitude and longitude, reference post and county.
Consideration should also be given to increasing the median width at unsignalized intersections on expressways and divided highways in order to provide a refuge area for large trucks attempting to cross the State route.
Subsequent accommodation applications should be assigned a separate Group number under the utility’s “J” Account that references the proposed installation’s:• Application number.• State route number.• Milepost limits.• Utility Work Order number (if available).For further guidance on reimbursable accounts, see Chapter 8, Reimbursement.
Caltrans is evaluating whether such BRT deployment would impact the operations on the State route.
On non-limited access ROW, outside of municipal boundaries, ODOT has sole authority and discretion to allow occupancy/use; however, inside of municipal boundaries, the municipality typically controls such access.2 State route 11 is considered “limited access” ROW (all respondents to this RFP shall anticipate frequent interfacing with ODOT for St. Rt. 11’s use).
For example: • A project involves two different routes - one is an Interstate route, the other is a State route (e.g., I-880 and SR 237).• A R/W project is approved with both Interstate Construction (I) and Interstate Maintenance (IM) or Interstate Rehabilitation (IR) funds.• A project has state-administered federal funds, such as Traffic Congestion Relief Program (TCRP) and local federal subvention funds, such as Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP).
Currently, District 11 is working with local agencies on a project study that involves an overpass structure over a State route.