Stationary electric equipment definition

Stationary electric equipment means equipment that is installed in a fixed location and is wired in a permanent manner. Some illustrative examples of stationary electric equipment include:

Related to Stationary electric equipment

  • Stationary Play Equipment means equipment such as a climber, slide, swing, merry-go-round, or spring rocker that is meant to stay in one location when a child uses it. Stationary play equipment does not include:

  • Stationary x-ray equipment means x-ray equipment which is installed in a fixed location.

  • Bulk Electric System shall have the meaning provided for in the NERC Glossary of Terms used in Reliability Standards, as it may be amended, supplemented, or restated from time to time.

  • Electric System Upgrades means any Network Upgrades, Distribution Upgrades, or Interconnection Facilities that are determined to be necessary by the CAISO or Participating Transmission Owner, as applicable, to physically and electrically interconnect the Project to the Participating Transmission Owner’s electric system for receipt of Energy at the Point of Interconnection (as defined in the CAISO Tariff) if connecting to the CAISO Grid, or the Interconnection Point, if connecting to a part of the Participating TO’s electric system that is not part of the CAISO Grid.

  • Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) means the rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for electrical propulsion.

  • Electrical equipment means underground equipment that contains dielectric fluid that is necessary for the operation of equipment such as transformers and buried electrical cable.

  • electrical and electronic equipment or ‘EEE’ means equipment which is dependent on electric currents or electromagnetic fields in order to work properly and equipment for the generation, transfer and measurement of such currents and fields and designed for use with a voltage rating not exceeding 1 000 volts for alternating current and 1 500 volts for direct current;

  • Electric System means all electrical wires, equipment, and other facilities owned or provided by the utility that are used to transmit electricity to customers.

  • Electronic Equipment means the items as specified in the Schedule and which are contained or fixed at or in the Insured Premises.

  • Electric generation service means the provision of retail

  • Renewable energy facility means an electric generation unit or other facility or installation that produces electric energy using a Renewable Energy Source.

  • Interconnection equipment means a group of components or an integrated system owned and operated by the interconnection customer that connects an electric generator with a local electric power system, as that term is defined in Section of IEEE Standard 1547, or with the electric distribution system. Interconnection equipment is all interface equipment including switchgear, protective devices, inverters or other interface devices. Interconnection equipment may be installed as part of an integrated equipment package that includes a generator or other electric source.

  • Electric bicycle means a “class 1 electric bicycle”, a “class 2 electric bicycle”, or a “class 3 electric bicycle” as defined in this section. (ORC 4511.01(RRR))

  • Air pollution control equipment means a mechanism, device, or contrivance used to control or prevent air pollution, that is not, aside from air pollution control laws and administrative regulations, vital to production of the normal product of the source or to its normal operation.

  • School equipment means a durable school-owned machine, equipment, or tool used by a student as part of an activity, course, or program in a secondary school and includes a saw or 3D printer. “School equipment” includes a saw or 3D printer.

  • Transportation equipment means 1 or more of the following:

  • Energy storage system means a system which stores energy and releases it in the same form as was input.

  • public service infrastructure means publicly controlled infrastructure of the following kinds:

  • Port Cargo Handling Equipment means rubber-tired gantry cranes, straddle carriers, shuttle carriers, and terminal tractors, including yard hostlers and yard tractors that operate within ports.

  • Terminal Equipment means all telephone instruments, including pay telephone equipment, the common equipment of large and small key and PBX systems and other devices and apparatus, and associated wirings, which are intended to be connected electrically, acoustically or inductively to the telecommunication system of the telephone utility.

  • Load Control Equipment means the equipment (which may include, but is not limited to, ripple receivers and relays) that is from time to time installed in, over or on Consumer’s Premises for the purpose of receiving signals sent by Load Signalling Equipment and switching on and off, or otherwise controlling, controllable load;

  • Sewage system means the entire sewage treatment and subsurface disposal system;

  • Utility system means a water system, solid waste

  • Electric supplier means an entity or person certified by the Commission, including municipal corporations which choose to provide electricity outside their municipal limits (except to the extent provided prior to February 1, 1999), Broker, Marketer or other entity (including public utilities and their affiliates, e.g., Delmarva), that sells electricity to Retail Electric Customers, utilizing the Transmission and Distribution Facilities of an Electric Distribution Company.

  • Critical Energy Infrastructure Information means all information, whether furnished before or after the mutual execution of this Agreement, whether oral, written or recorded/electronic, and regardless of the manner in which it is furnished, that is marked “CEII” or “Critical Energy Infrastructure Information” or which under all of the circumstances should be treated as such in accordance with the definition of CEII in 18 C.F.R. § 388.13(c)(1). The Receiving Party shall maintain all CEII in a secure place. The Receiving Party shall treat CEII received under this agreement in accordance with its own procedures for protecting CEII and shall not disclose CEII to anyone except its Authorized Representatives.

  • Energy facility means an energy plant or transmission