Statutory Director definition
Examples of Statutory Director in a sentence
The Responsible Individual for the service reports directly to the Statutory Director of Social Services.
The Chief Officer SCH fulfils the role of Statutory Director of Social Services and has legal accountability for ensuring the Council has appropriate safeguarding measures in place to protect children, young people and adults at risk.
Each of the Statutory Directors may appoint a representative, as a Director, to act for the Statutory Director at any meeting of the Directors that the Statutory Director would otherwise personally attend or in which the Statutory Director would otherwise participate or take action by vote.
The term of such appointment shall run until the earlier to occur of: (i) the expiration of the term of the appointing Statutory Director or (ii) the appointment of a successor representative by the appointing Statutory Director.
Statutory Director Statutory DirectorChildren’s Services Adult Social Services YOUNG CARERS APPENDICES TO SUPPORT LOCAL CONSIDERATION ON ARRANGEMENTS FOR A JOINT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN STATUTORY DIRECTORS Please note: These Appendices do not form part of the model Memorandum of Understanding.
We comply with this guidance and the arrangements agreed and published by our 3 local safeguarding partners.• East Berkshire Clinical Commissioning Group, Director of nursing and quality• Thames Valley Police: Slough Borough commander• Slough Local Authority; Statutory Directors of Children’s services and Statutory Director of Adult services, Chief executive.
In particular, the Board of Directors by a majority affirmative vote of Directors present at the meeting of the Board where a quorum is present may create and define the powers and duties of an Executive Committee consisting of three Directors at least one of which shall be a Statutory Director.
Prior to 1997, European Legal Officer and Statutory Director of Hunter Douglas Europe B.V.
Statutory Director appointments to Post Office Insurance do not require Shareholder consent.
Quality Assurance The Responsible Individual for the service reports directly to the Statutory Director of Social Services.