Examples of Storm in a sentence
Storm water pollution prevention plans shall be prepared in accordance with good engineering practices.
Replace the title with the following: B) Culvert Pipe, Storm Sewer, and Entrance Pipe.SUBSECTION: REVISION:823.02 LIQUID MEMBRANE FORMING COMPOUNDS.
Industrial Storm Water – storm water runoff from industrial activity.
The permit process consists of: developing permit limitations based upon the effluent limitations for coal mining promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency set forth in 40 CFR 434, the State Water Quality Standards, Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Regulations, and Storm Water guidelines.
The management and control of all storm water discharges not covered under 9 VAC 25-31 et seq is governed by the storm water management and drainage control provisions proposed in the SMCRA permit and meet or exceed the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan requirements of 9 VAC 25-151-80.