Examples of Stream segment in a sentence
Stream segment sizes are listed and/or measured in miles and lakes/reservoirs are listed and measured in surface acres (acres).
Stream segment length for each estimate of existing shade varies depending on the land use or landscape that has affected that shade level.
Describe your leave tree strategy in Question 28.Your leave tree strategy must be arranged to accommodate the following on EACH side of the Np Water:- Leave at least 29 conifer or deciduous trees every 1000 lineal feet- Leave trees are within 29 feet of bankfull width- Leave trees need to be 6 inches in diameter or larger Answer ‘no’ if you are not and skip to Question 27.Show the following on the Activity Map:- Stream segment identifiers.
Describe your leave tree strategy in Question 23.Your leave tree strategy must be arranged to accommodate the following on EACH side of the Np Water:- Leave at least 29 conifer or deciduous trees every 1000 lineal feet- Leave trees are within 29 feet of bankfull width- Leave trees need to be 6 inches in diameter or larger Answer ‘no’ if you are not and skip to Question 22.Show the following on the Activity Map:- Stream segment identifiers.
Stream segment classifications, effluent limitations including water quality based effluent limitations, and wasteload allocations.
You may harvest within the maximum RMZ if:- Shade requirements have been met to maintain stream temperature.- You leave trees as required by WAC 222-30-023(2)(c) or (d).Show the following on the Activity Map:- Stream segment identifiers.
Any site which discharges directly or indirectly to an ADEM 303(d) Listed Stream segment shall submit an enhanced CBMPP to minimize to the maximum extent practical the release of the listed pollutant to the stream.
Stream segment one (Outside Exclosure #1 or O1) and segment two (Outside Exclosure #2 or O2) have open access to grazing livestock.Stream segment three (Exclosure #4 or E4) and stream segment four (Exclosure #5 or E5) are located within livestock exclosures that were erected by POS in 2006.
Stream segment proposed for removal from the list of Tier II waters.
Stream segment density was also calculated for each USGS 1: 100,000-scale topographic map from which the data was taken.