Segment definition
Examples of Segment in a sentence
If TxDOT does not issue NTP4 on or before 576 days after NTP1, Developer shall complete the NTP4 Work by the Substantial Completion Deadline for Segment G.
The Warranty Term for each Segment of the Project shall commence upon Substantial Completion thereof and remain in effect until one year after Final Acceptance of the Segment.
Developer shall achieve Final Acceptance for each Segment on or before 120 days after Substantial Completion of the applicable Segment and Final Acceptance of the Project on or before 120 days after the latest Substantial Completion of a Segment.
For purposes of this Section, the Segment Price for Segment F-1 is $251,100,000, the Segment Price for Segment F-2 is $296,753,000, and the Segment Price for Segment G is $459,200,000.
Initially, the Warranty Bond shall apply to the first Segment to reach Final Acceptance.