Striped bass definition

Striped bass means Morone saxatilis, rockfish, striper. "Summer flounder" means Paralichthys dentatus, fluke. "Surf clam" means Spisula solidissima, sea clam. "Tautog" means Tautoga onitis, blackfish.
Striped bass means the species Morone saxatilis.
Striped bass or ‘rockfish’ means the species Morone saxatilis.

Examples of Striped bass in a sentence

  • Striped bass imported into the Commonwealth must be marked with a numbered tag that identifies the state of origin and must be accompanied by documents that verify state of origin.

  • Striped bass have historically supported one of the most important recreational and commercial fisheries along the Atlantic coast.

  • Striped bass populations at the northern and southern extremes of the Atlantic are apparently non-migratory (Raney 1957).

  • Striped bass, bluefish, and weakfish in the Chesapeake Bay: energetic, trophic linkages, and bioenergetics model applications.

  • Striped bass spawning occurred over a 27­ km reach and the highest densities in the sampled area occurred between M68 and M87, downstream of the pri­ mary spawning reaches of American shad (Figs.

  • Striped bass spawn­ ing occurred over a 60-km reach (P72–P131), and the highest densities were found between P72 and P87.

  • Striped bass and other predatory fish are attracted to concentrated prey at fish salvage release sites, such as occur at Clifton Court Forebay.

  • Striped bass are maintained in Lakes Norman and Mountain Island through annual stockings of fingerling fish.

  • Striped bass experienced a period of lower recruitment from 2005-2011 which contributed to the decline in female SSB that the stock has experienced since 2010.

  • Striped bass and salmon may be sold or offered for sale only under the following conditions: (a) If the striped bass is taken or possessed by, and is the cultured progeny of, an aquaculturist who is registered under Section 15101, that striped bass may be sold or purchased subject to regulations of the commission.

More Definitions of Striped bass

Striped bass means any fish of the species Morone saxatilis, including any hybrid of the species Morone saxatilis.
Striped bass means Morone saxatilis, rockfish, striper.
Striped bass means Morone saxatilis.
Striped bass means Morone saxatilis, rockfish, striper. TTT. "Summer flounder" means Paralichthys dentatus, fluke. UUU. "Surf clam" means Spisula solidissima, sea clam.
Striped bass means Morone saxatilis, rockfish, striper. "Summer flounder" means Paralichthys dentatus, fluke.

Related to Striped bass

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