Examples of Combined sewer overflow in a sentence
Combined sewer overflow (CSO) control and sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) control ‐ Combined sewers are sewers that convey both wastewater and storm water and may overflow during periods of heavy rain.
Combined sewer overflow elimination or reduction projects affecting one or more water bodies where there will be a net decrease in the overall pollutant loadings discharged to surface waters of the state.
CSO, Combined sewer overflow – An intermittent flow or other untreated discharge from a municipal combined sewer system (including domestic, industrial and commercial wastewater and stormwater) which results from a flow in excess of the dry weather carrying capacity of the system.
Combined sewer overflow discharges do not include dry weather discharges that occur as a result of nonstorm events or are caused solely by groundwater infiltration.[PL 1995, c.
Combined sewer overflow or "CSO" means a discharge from a combined sewer system (CSS) at a point prior to the publicly owned treatment works (POTW) treatment plant headworks.