Examples of Student Dependant in a sentence
We will advise the policyholder at the time of any change in your membership.Benefit entitlements will cease on the effective date.Student dependantsIf a dependent child is a full time student aged over 21 and under 25, the policyholder must complete a Student Dependant Registration form and returnit to us when they turn 21 and ongoing by the end of February in each year.
It is a requirement of the Student Dependant Visa that dependants have cover for the duration of their stay in Australia.
All family members on an AusAID Student Dependant Visa must be covered by OSHC at all times during their stay in Australia.
A person who, within the period of two months immediately prior to the date of making an application for a GU Health Policy was a Student Dependant or a Child Dependant under a Member's GU Health Family Policy, may take out a GU Health Policy offering equivalent or lower Benefits to that offered under that GU Health Family Policy without being subject to any unexpired Waiting Periods for Benefits payable under the GU Health Policy.
If a dependant is an over-age student, please complete GL4408E, Request for Termination of Over-age Student Dependant.
If a full-time carer is accompanying an awardee for the duration of their scholarship and that carer is a dependent family member, the carer must apply for a Student Dependant Visa.
Who is Covered A health insurance Policy provides Benefits for the Policy Holder, any additional listed Partner, Dependant Children, Adult Dependant or Student Dependant.
Adult does not include a Dependent Child, Dependent Non-Student or Student Dependant.
CBHS Health Fund Limited ABN 87 087 648 717 Student Dependant Declaration Please update your Dependant details in the Member Centre via cbhs.com.au or complete details in this form and return to CBHS.
Medical examination and x-ray costs in order to comply with Student Visa requirements AusAID Student Visa and Student Dependant Visa Outward Airfare (economy- one way) from the airport closest to the recipient’s home location to the international airport closest to the Australian university selected for study by the recipient Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) - recipient only (recipients are required to maintain OSHC for any accompanying family in order to satisfy visa requirements).