Subchapter G definition
Examples of Subchapter G in a sentence
If state funds are used, the parties are prohibited from making any award to any party that is debarred under the Texas Administrative Code, Title 34, Part 1, Chapter 20, Subchapter G, Rule §20.585 and the Texas Administrative Code, Title 43, Part 1, Chapter 9, Subchapter G.
If the Property is subject to a private transfer fee obligation, §5.205, Property Code, requires Seller to notify Buyer as follows: The private transfer fee obligation may be governed by Chapter 5, Subchapter G of the Texas Property Code.
Subchapter G of Chapter 25 of the Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law of 1988, as amended, (relating to control-share acquisitions), shall not be applicable to the Company.
If the Property is subject to a private transfer fee obligation, §5.205, Property Code requires Seller to notify Buyer as follows: The private transfer fee obligation may be governed by Chapter 5, Subchapter G of the Texas Property Code.
This policy shall name the appropriate Railroad as "The Insured" to comply with the Standard Uniform Policy for Railroad Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance developed and adopted in 1958 by AASHTO-AAR and by Federal Aid Policy Guide 646A Subchapter G, Subpart A, Sections 646.101 through 646.111.
Code Chapter 1, Subchapter G, and HHSC’s Guidelines for Annual Financial and Compliance Audits of Community MHMR Centers (21st Revision - February 2005) (the “Audit Guidelines”).
This Corporation specifically opts out and shall not be governed by Subchapter G, Control-share Acquisitions, of Chapter 25 of the Business Corporation Law of 1988, as added and amended by Act 36 of 1990.
Subchapter G, Control-share Acquisitions, of Chapter 25 of the Business Corporation Law of 1988, as added and amended by Act 36 of 1990, shall not be applicable to the Corporation.
Grantee shall ensure that if it is determined during a call that an individual in the Grantee’s local service area is in crisis, that screening and follow up are performed by a Qualified Mental Health Professional–Community Services (QMHP-CS), and the appropriate crisis services are activated in accordance with 26 TAC 301, Subchapter G (Mental Health Community Services Standards).
Grantee shall employ and train competent staff members to answer calls in accordance with Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 301, Subchapter G et seq (Mental Health Community Services Standards), posted at xxxxx://$ext.TacPage?sl=R&app=2&p_dir=&p_rlo c=198539&p tloc=&p ploc=&pg=1&p tac=198539&ti=26&pt=1&ch=301&rl=301 &dt=&z chk=&z contains=.