Examples of Substantially rehabilitate in a sentence
Goal: Improve housing affordability and living conditions for low- and moderate- income elderly, frail elderly, and physically disabled persons in the City of Newark by addressing housing quality, safety, accessibility, and value.Specific Objective HSP5: Substantially rehabilitate, provide emergency/minor home repairs, provide energy-efficiency improvements, and/or provide handicapped accessibility improvements to two (2) special needs households per year.
Substantially rehabilitate" means extensive structural repair or extensive remodeling of premises that requires a permit such as a building, electrical, plumbing, or mechanical permit, and that results in the displacement of an existing tenant.
Please indicate the name of the senior contact person, appropriate telephone and email addresses, and acknowledge Respondent’s ability to commit to the contents of the response and any other information the Respondent deems relevant.
Goal: Improve housing affordability and living conditions for low- and moderate- income elderly, frail elderly, and physically disabled persons in the City of Newark by addressing housing quality, safety, accessibility, and value.Specific Objective HSP5: Substantially rehabilitate, provide emergency/minor repairs, provide energy-efficiency improvements, and/or provide handicapped accessibility improvements to two (2) special needs households per year.
Specific Objective HSP5: Substantially rehabilitate, provide emergency repairs,provide energy-efficiency improvements, and/or provide handicapped accessibility improvements to at least two (2) special needs households per year.
Substantially rehabilitate" means extensive struc- tural repair or extensive remodeling of premises that requires a permit such as a building, electrical, plumbing, or mechan- ical permit, and that results in the displacement of an existing tenant.(3) A person in violation of subsection (2)(c)(i) of this section may be held liable in a civil action up to three times the monthly rent of the real property at issue.
Page 19, Certification, complete the name of your organization and agreement number.
Update Housing Stock Substantially rehabilitate at least 6 units.
Substantially rehabilitate" means extensive structural repair or extensive remodeling of premises that requires a permit such as a building, electrical, plumbing, or mechanical permit, and that results in the displacement of an existing tenant.(((3) A person in violation of subsection (2)(c)(i) of this sectionmay be held liable in a civil action up to three times the monthlyrent of the real property at issue.
This will also require, in some extreme instances, the introduction of provincial relocation grants to enable firms and individuals to move to more viable settlement locations.