Substantially Responsive Bid definition

Substantially Responsive Bid means the bid that contains no material differences or deviations from, or reservations to, the terms, conditions and specifications given in the bidding documents;
Substantially Responsive Bid means the bid that contains no material differences or deviations
Substantially Responsive Bid means a Bid that has been determined to be substantially responsive pursuant to Clause 20 of the ITB.

Examples of Substantially Responsive Bid in a sentence

  • The Bidder/s would need to respond within the timelines, formats and conditions specified in such clarification requests; Substantially Responsive Bid: A substantially responsive bid is one, which conforms to the requirements, terms, conditions and specifications of the RFP document without material deviation.

  • Failure to comply with this Policy will be considered misconduct and will be reviewed.

  • The decision of the Procurement Committee on the award of the contract to the Lowest Evaluated Substantially Responsive Bid will be final.

Related to Substantially Responsive Bid

  • Institutional Responsibilities means an Investigator’s professional responsibilities on behalf of the University, which may include for example: activities such as research, research consultation, teaching, professional practice, University committee memberships, and service on panels such as Institutional Review Boards or data and safety monitoring boards.

  • Solicitation Response means Contractor’s full and complete response (including any Attachments and addenda) to the Solicitation, which is incorporated by reference for all purposes in its entirety.

  • CERCLA means the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended.

  • Emergency medical responder or “EMR” means an individual who has successfully completed a course of study based on the United States Department of Transportation’s Emergency Medical Responder Instructional Guidelines (January 2009), has passed the psychomotor and cognitive examinations for the EMR, and is currently certified by the department as an EMR.

  • Commercial solid waste means all types of solid waste generated by stores, offices, restaurants, warehouses, and other nonmanufacturing activities, excluding residential and industrial wastes.