Examples of Substantially Responsive in a sentence
The offers which are declared as Responsive and Substantially Responsive will be considered as equivalent for the onward proceedings of tender.
Those technically qualified bidders which have also deposited the tender cost and Bid Security shall be termed as Substantially Responsive (i.e., eligible and technically qualified and have also deposited Bid Security & tender cost).
WAPCOS will only evaluate and compare the Bids determined to be Substantially Responsive.
The Technical status of offers will be declared as Responsive, Non Responsive and Substantially Responsive.
WAPCOS will award the Contract to the Bidder whose Bid has been determined to be Substantially Responsive to the Bidding Documents and who has gained the Highest Evaluated Score based on QCBS System.
Those technically qualified bidders which have also deposited the tender cost and Bid Security shall be termed as Substantially Responsive (i.e. eligible and technically qualified and have also deposited Bid Security & tender cost).
If a Bid is not Substantially Responsive, it will be rejected by SAI.
A Substantially Responsive Bidder is one which conforms to all the stipulations of para 2.8 (II and III) read with para 2.16.6 above.
The offers which are declared as Responsive and Substantially Responsive will be considered as equivalent for the onward proceedings of tender.xxxix.
Evaluation and Comparision of Substantially Responsive Bids…………………...........................1828.