Examples of Substantiated Abuse in a sentence
Role of the Corrective Action CoordinatorWhen a corrective action coordinator receives a report from an APS investigator, the coordinator will first determine which finding the APS investigator has made (Substantiated Abuse, Unsubstantiated Abuse, Inconclusive, or Administrative Closure).
Possible determinations include Substantiated Abuse, Unsubstantiated Abuse, Inconclusive, or Administrative Closure, if the investigation is not able to be completed (see OAR 411-020-0121).
Office of Adult Abuse Prevention & Investigation (OAPPI) Substantiated Abuse Allegations, 2013-2015 and DHS, Office of Licensing and Regulatory Oversight, Outcomes for Substantiated Cases, 2013-2015.
Check one only:State Policy Collaborative PolicyThis policy supersedes:DCFS 1202 Notification of an Appeal or Substantiated Abuse and/or Neglect Findings12/30/2016Number of pages in Policy: 6 Date Policy Effective: 04/20/2018PART Recommendation Date:N/APolicy Lead: H.
The below tables reflect: (1) FY20 Substantiated Cases Statewide by Category; (2) Substantiated Abuse and Neglect Cases by MH Location; and (3) Substantiated Abuse and Neglect Cases by MH Location.
ORS 409.050, 418.005, 419B.035 STATUTES/OTHER IMPLEMENTED: ORS 409.050, 443.400 - 443.455, 409.185, 418.257 – 428.259, 419B.005 – 419B.050, 418.005 REPEAL: 407-046-0210 RULE TITLE: Child-In-Care Abuse Rules: Contested Case Proceeding for a Substantiated Abuse Determination NOTICE FILED DATE: 04/28/2022 RULE SUMMARY: Rule repealed to move to Division 44.
The Director or his/her designee shall dismiss untimely requests for hearing except when the individual submits evidence of good cause.(C) An individual who fails to request an administrative hearing as described above shall have his/her name and information regarding the incident changed from a finding of "Substantiated Pending Appeal" to a finding of "Substantiated Abuse" on the Adult Abuse Registry.
Substantiated Abuse SubstantiatedPart substantiatedNot substantiatedNot determinedinconclusive 18-64Phys Dis, and Sensory Impairment12422Mental Health5102Learning Disability18563Substance Misuse0000Other1000Over 6565-74532475-842661160ver 85387912Total 105263029 Outcomes for the Abused Person A total of 55 referrals ended in No Further Action (28%) in 2011-12.
New Jersey Department of Human Services (2003), NJ Substantiated Abuse and Neglect Child Fatality Analysis for 1998-2002.
See Attachment 1 or Attachment 2 for more detail. Substantiated Abuse - In cases, involving violence or sexual deviance the PSI Investigator will also contact the Department for Children and Families (DCF) as well as DAIL to determine if there are prior substantiations of abuse of children or abuse or exploitation of vulnerable adults.