Examples of Occupational therapist in a sentence
Occupational therapist assessmentAn occupational therapist (OT) will need to assess you if you are applying for any of the following:l a big change to the use of a room in your home;l a stair lift;l an extension.This is to make sure the right work is done in the home to suit your needs.If you have been recently assessed by a HSE occupational therapist, they will give you a copy of your report to send with this completed form.
Occupational therapist: license from Ohio occupational therapy, physical therapy, and athletic trainer board.
Since then the school is constantly upgrading and expanding its facilities.In 1997 the school opened a SEN unit with full support services including Physio, Speech, Occupational therapist and Social Workers as well as psychologist for pupils with mild to moderate difficulties.
Upon substitution of (45) into (50), we obtain the final result, Θ = ln 1 − (1/Ro) ln(So/Io) .
Occupational therapist" means a person who is license or holds a limited permit to practice occupational therapy and who offers such services to the public under any title incorporating the words "occupational therapy," "occupational therapist," or similar title or description of services as defined in section 4755.04 of the Revised Code.