Success Percentage definition

Success Percentage means, of the covered meters in the propagation study, 98.5%.
Success Percentage means the applicable percentage of the Cost Avoidance, agreed to by the Government and the Intermediary, which the Government must pay to the Intermediary when confirmed by the Evaluator.
Success Percentage which is defined as a percentage of download Attempts that result in Successful Downloads.

Examples of Success Percentage in a sentence

  • The amount paid for each Award will be equal to the product of the Total Success Percentage for the Participant for the Plan Year multiplied by the Participant’s Target Award for the Plan Year.

  • Maintenance Periods – Provisioning Success Percentage measurements will not be collected when Provisioning is unavailable during agreed upon maintenance periods.

  • Specification: Provisioning Success Percentage Definition: The percentage of Valid Provisioning and AAM Transactions that successfully process, i.e., result in the requested actions being processed by the Customized Product and made available to the network and network elements.

  • Appendix E: Added ‘‘This appendix is informative and is not part of the code.’’ Chapter 8: Added NFPA-720 to the list of standards.

  • Course Success: Percentage of students enrolled at census who complete the course with a grade of A, B, C, or P In looking at the graph below, department, division, and college success data indicates that ECC students generally experience higher degrees of success in sociology courses compared to division and institutional success rates.

  • Maintaining the Required Quality Success PercentagesDuring the term of this agreement, the Contractor is required to maintain a Quality Success Percentage (QSP) of 85% in the APPA Level 2 Areas.

  • The monthly scoring for Provisioning Success Percentage will be carried over from postpaid Schedule C1-Ret monthly reporting.

  • Available-for-sale financial assets are initially recognised at fair value plus transaction cost and subsequently carried at fair value.

  • Al-Douri, Al-Douri, and Pishtwan Jamal Mahmud (2015), Effect of Budding Date, Kinetin, and IBA on Success Percentage and Produced Sapling Characteristics of Peach Cv. Dixired.AL-Tegrit Journal for Agricultural Science, (15).

  • Loggerhead Turtle Nesting Success (Percentage of Emergences Resulting in Nests) for Areas A Through S, Hutchinson Island, April Through September 1998.