Examples of Shift Percentage in a sentence
Figure 14: Average mean decrease in impurity for predicting downtime over 15 RF runs with different random splits Change-over Type_Hard (Volume), Folding Box Dimensions_55X42X120, Tubes Per Bundle, and Day Shift Percentage are all determined as influential by both the RF algorithm and the Spearman correlation coefficient.
On the right are the top 5 features values with the most impact on the prediction, which are in order of relevance; Goods Per Batch, Batch ID, Day Shift Percentage, Line Unscheduled Percentage and Planned Downtime (Breaks) Percentage.
Therefore, the shift variables are no independent variables, and Day Shift Percentage is probably the best predictor since it has the highest MDI and the only significant correlation.Since this model is optimized with only a grid search for each run, and features have not been selected, normalized, or scaled, the model is not analysed in more detail at this stage.
The Group 13 Shift Percentage for each Distribution Date is the following percentage applicable to that Distribution Date: • 0% January 2013 through October 2014• 500% thereafter SECURITY GROUP 14The Group 14 Principal Distribution Amount will be allocated in the following order of priority: 1.
However, as pointed out, the relations are weak and thus need to be examined in more detail.The obtained relations indicate that both variables, Tubes Per Bundle and Day Shift Percentage, would lead to a higher KPI once the variables increase.