The Evaluator Sample Clauses
The Evaluator. The primary evaluator shall be the Superintendent or his/her Waverly administrator designee. The primary evaluator shall be responsible for completing the process with the teacher. This does not, however, preclude the involvement of resource evaluators as part of the formal evaluation process following the mid-evaluation conference. The teacher shall have at least a one (1) day advance written notice indicating those who will be involved as resource evaluators. Resource evaluations serve as input into the primary evaluators (with all matters of record provided in writing and in conference for the teacher's review by the resource and/or the primary evaluator).
The Evaluator. 3.1 The matters in dispute between the parties referred to in this agreement are submitted to Early Neutral Evaluation by (insert name of Evaluator).
3.2 The Evaluator shall act as an independent neutral expert and not as an adviser to the parties or as an arbitrator.
3.3 The Evaluator shall be impartial and independent of the parties and shall assume a continuing duty to immediately disclose to the parties any circumstances arising in the future likely to give rise to justifiable doubts as to the Evaluator’s impartiality or independence in the eyes of any of the parties, until the Evaluation is concluded.
The Evaluator. The Evaluator shall be the Unit Member's immediate supervisor or next higher management level employee who is so designated by District management. Evaluations shall be made on the basis of first- hand knowledge.
The Evaluator. The evaluator shall be the Bargaining Unit Member’s immediate 10 management. Evaluations shall be made on the basis of first-hand knowledge. Evaluations 11 shall be made with honesty and without bias.
The Evaluator and a unit member employed under a services credential shall tentatively delineate the after- duty hour responsibilities of the unit member during the annual goal-setting conference which are subject to change by mutual consent of the unit member and evaluator should other priorities arise. If a situation arises wherein the evaluator and unit member are not in agreement, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources will determine which after-duty-hour functions will be required and will provide the evaluator and unit member with reasons in writing.
The Evaluator. 1. The Faculty Evaluation will be performed by the evaluated faculty member’s unit administrator. However, if an evaluated faculty member’s unit administrators are unavailable, then the evaluated faculty member may request to defer their Evaluation process and the College will choose either to allow the Evaluation Process to be deferred without harm to the faculty member’s process or to assign another Xxxx or Director to serve as the Evaluator. Faculty requests for deferral shall not be unreasonably denied.
2. During the Faculty Evaluation process (outlined below), whenever possible, the same person should hold the role of Evaluator throughout the process.
3. All Evaluators shall be given training during Fall quarter. The training shall be designed collaboratively between the lead Academic officer and lead Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) officer.
a. The training will provide instruction on how to read student feedback through a DEIA lens, including but not limited to research on systematic bias against faculty who are BIPOC, women, gender-nonconforming, or disabled; who speak English as an additional language; and/or who belong to other marginalized groups.
b. The training will provide instruction on what student feedback forms do and do not measure (e.g., student reactions, demonstrable learning, behavioral changes arising from such learning, the impact of such behavioral changes). It will include instruction on the limitations of measuring only student reactions as the basis for assessing effectiveness of curriculum design or pedagogy.
c. The Federation has the option to attend the training each time it is presented.
d. The College will provide the Federation with all materials related to the training upon request.
The Evaluator acts as sole employer of the employees which it contracts for activities undertaken in this Contract, and therefore, it will be responsible for labor obligations arising from labor relations or contracts, such as payment of salaries and fringe benefits, payroll taxes, affiliation and payment of pension contributions, health and occupational risks to the social security system, as required by law. In any case, THE EVALUATOR will comply with the provisions of law which govern the proportion of local and expatriate employees in executive and non-executive positions.
The Evaluator shall conduct a minimum of 4 per semester walkthrough observations of Probationary Certified Employees and a minimum of 2 per semester walkthrough observations of Non-Probationary Certified Employees in order to determine the final effectiveness rating of the Certified Employee, written feedback on the observation must be given, in a timely manner, for the observation to be considered. By February 1st, and on an annual basis, teachers will be required to refine their Measures of Student Learning Calculator based on their current teaching position, and to have that approved by their building administrator.
The Evaluator will take all necessary precautions to protect the environment, human life, property of others and to prevent contamination in the Technical Evaluation Area. Consequently, THE EVALUATOR will assume the cost of environmental and sanitary management, occupational health, safety and all other expenses, even if not mentioned in this paragraph or in other clauses of this Contract, or derived from the activities performed by virtue of this Contract.