Examples of Successful return to work in a sentence
Successful return to work programs are reported to reduce workers’ compensation costs by as much as 30% to 40%.
Successful return to work is most often subject to positive and open communication among the different actors that intervene in situations of disablement in the workplace: management, health care provides, unions, and the worker.
Successful return to work outcomes provide the quintessential win-win-win; they are good for employers, good for workers, and good for the bottom line; ⮚ As a matter of both principle and good practice, benefit reduction to injured workers must always be the intervention of last resort.
Protected by copyright.Page 5 of 30 BMJ Open Return to Work after Knee Replacement1234567 Article Summary – Strengths and Limitations of this study8109 ▪ Successful return to work is increasingly recognised as an important outcome for1112 patients following joint replacement with social and economic implications forForpeerreviewonly1314 patients, employers and society.
Successful return to work after stroke requires an inter-professional approach and is unique for each person (Giaquinto & Ring, 2007; Saeki, 2000).
Successful return to work programmes have clearly defined procedural components.
Successful return to work means you keep a valuable employee and limit the financial impact of his/her claim on your insurance premiums.Employers and employees who remain in close communication and work together are best able to limit time off the job.You — the employer — can be the catalyst for achieving return to work as quickly as possible.
Successful return to work programs rely on consultation and agreement between all the parties the worker, their treating medical staff, rehabilitation professionals and managers and supervisors in the person’s work area.