Examples of Supplemental claim in a sentence
Share Facebook Twitter Email Supplemental claim form to be submitted for certain fire loss claims in excess of ten thousand dollars in a city with a population of one million or more persons.
Supplemental claim request has been forwarded to insurance company.
Of the 3,646 Monetary Award claims submitted, 1,979 (54.3%) rest on pre-Effective Date diagnoses, while 1,391 (38.2%) are for post-Effective Date diagnoses, of which 407 (29.3% of the 1,391) were made in the Baseline 2 The Summary Report separates the Supplemental claim information from the initial Monetary Award Claims.
Supplemental claim rejections – VALERI rejects a supplemental claim automatically if the servicer does one or more of the following: Submits a supplemental claim 366 or more days from the loan termination date.
The updated Summary Report now separates the Supplemental claim information from the initial MonetaryAward Claims.