Examples of Reopened claim in a sentence
Reopened claim, which reopens a claim within an existing benefit year when there has been no intervening employment since the last claim for a week of unemployment.
Reopened claim" means a claimant reactivated a claim that is reactivated as provided in ARM 24.11.445(2) during the claim's benefit year according to [NEW RULE XXVI] when there have been were no separations from insured work subsequent to the filing of an initial claim or of a prior additional claim employment since the claim went inactive.
N Wards affected All Background papers Financial Services Working Papers This page is intentionally left blankAppendix 1 Risk Management - Outstanding Insurance Claims as at 31/03/09 Claim Status Insurance Year KEYN New claim not settledO Existing claim not settledR Re-opened claim not settled * * ** **Insurers current estimated cost, final claim cost may be different.
The Claims Administrator reviews the Prescription Drug Formulary at least once per year. Information about Your formulary is available to You in several ways.
The analysis will specifically consider the five elements of reserves: Case reserves assigned to specific claims Provisions for future development of known claims Reopened claim reserves Provision for claims incurred but not reported (including claims in transit).