Examples of Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure in a sentence
Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure (STI)Can electrical charging infrastructure, including PV panels to offset the electricity used to charge the buses being purchased with AHSC funds, be included as an STI?Electrical charging infrastructure may be an eligible cost.
One example of such a framework is presented by Timothy Bevan, Donna Day, Robin Senner and Sam Seskin in a recent paper for the Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE) entitled Planning for Sustainability: Planning for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure.
The Application proposed an integrated combination of some or all of the following Project components: Affordable Housing Development (AHD); Housing-Related Infrastructure (HRI); Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure (STI); Transportation-Related Amenities (TRA); and Program (PGM) The Application’s point score was based, in part, on the Project’s total projected reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
This award was based on the total points awarded the Recipient’s Application, during a highly competitive process, That Application proposed an integrated combination of some or all of the following Project components: Affordable Housing Development (AHD); Housing-Related Infrastructure (HRI); Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure (STI); Transportation-Related Amenities (TRA); and Programs (PGM).
Developing Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure: Exploring the Development and Implementation of a Green Highway Rating System.
If Landlord disapproves the Redesign Plan within the 5 business day period, then Landlord shall specify the revisions required for approval in Landlord’s written notice and Tenant shall revise the Redesign Plan and submit it to Landlord until the Redesign Plan is approved.
The Scope of Work for this Agreement for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure (“STI Work”) shall consist of the STI project identified in the Application, and set forth in Exhibit A-1 Final and Corrected Project Report, which is to be developed and constructed by the Recipient.
Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure (STI)Can electrical charging infrastructure, including PV panels to offset the electricity used to charge the buses being purchased with AHSC funds, be included as an STI?Electrical charging infrastructure may be an eligible cost.
Part of the AHSC application sets aside funding for Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure (STI) and Transportation Related Amenities (TRA) to provide mobility benefits to future residents of the development.
Homecomings is seeking proposals from dry utility consultants for work related to Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure and Transportation Related Amenities funded by the California Strategic Growth Council and Department of Housing and Community Development Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) program.