Examples of Swedish Kroner in a sentence
The numbers in parenthesis and italics show the corresponding element(s) in CEBS’ Tables and are only provided for information purposes to identify the linkage to the CEBS’ data.ValuationFor the general policy on valuation, please see the rules and guidance set out in GENPRU1.3.CurrencyYou should report in the currency of your annual audited accounts ie in either Sterling, Euro, US dollars, Canadian dollars, Swedish Kroner, Swiss Francs or Yen.
The functional currency of the Brazilian entity is the Brazilian Real, the functional currency of the Canadian subsidiary, Nova Century Scientific Inc, is the Canadian Dollar and the functional currency of the Swedish subsidiary is the Swedish Kroner.
This might be the amount of loan excluding any offsetting funds, or it might be the net amount.9(ii) Foreign currenciesFirms should report in the currency of their annual audited accounts, where this is Sterling, Euro, US dollars, Canadian Dollars, Swedish Kroner, Swiss Francs or Yen.
However, if other currencies are used, they should be clearly indicated eg Swedish Kroner, Euro, etc.
Firms should report in the currency of their annual audited accounts, where this is Sterling, Euro, US Dollars, Canadian Dollars, Swedish Kroner, Swiss Francs or Yen.
CurrencyYou should report in the currency of your annual audited accounts ie in either Sterling, Euro, US dollars, Canadian dollars, Swedish Kroner, Swiss Francs or Yen.
Group companiesThe functional currency of the overseas subsidiaries Cyclomedica Ireland Limited, Cyclomedica Germany GmbH, Cyclomedica Europe Limited, and Cyclomedica Benelux bvba, is European Euro (Euro €), Cyclomedica Nordic AB is Swedish Kroner (SEK), Cyclomedica Canada Limited is Canadian dollars (Can $) and Cyclomedica UK Ltd is Great British Pound (GBP).
Brobizz reserves the right to charge a surcharge of 1% in connection with a currency charge in Swedish Kroner (SEK).
If the settlement is to be made in Swedish Kroner (SEK), the customer must ensure that the discount agreement is set up to Swedish Kroner at the Operator and the payment card is set up to Swedish Kroner at the customer's bank.
CurrencyYou should report in the currency of your annual audited accounts i.e. in either Sterling, Euro, US dollars, Canadian dollars, Swedish Kroner, Swiss Francs or Yen.