Examples of Syndicate of Noteholders in a sentence
Noteholders shall, by virtue of purchasing and/or holding Notes, be deemed to have agreed to: (i) the appointment of the temporary Commissioner; and (ii) become a member of the Syndicate of Noteholders.
Upon the subscription of the Notes, the temporary Commissioner will call a general meeting of the Syndicate of Noteholders to ratify or reject the acts of the temporary Commissioner, confirm its appointment or appoint a substitute Commissioner for it and to ratify the Regulations.
Trend data shows continued improvement in these areas but also denote continued need.To continue to maintain and build upon the success within our program, ICOE plans to continue to work on enhancing our Student Learning Outcomes through the accreditation process.
Upon the subscription of the Notes, the temporary Commissioner will call a general meeting of the Syndicate of Noteholders to ratify or reject the acts of the temporary Commissioner, confirm its appointment or appoint a substitute Commissioner and to ratify the Regulations.
The issue of the Notes, including their legal nature (obligaciones) and status, the capacity of the Issuer, the relevant corporate resolutions, the appointment of the Commissioner and the constitution of the Syndicate of Noteholders (including a dispute relating to any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them) are and shall be governed by Spanish law.