Examples of System president in a sentence
A request by a Regent, System president, or System employee for travel outside of the United States, excluding Mexico or Canada, must be approved in advance by the Chancellor.
The System president is authorized to act on behalf of the Board of Trustees regarding requests from colleges to add programs of study at the same or lower level as options in approved diploma or associate degree programs of study in accordance with established procedures.
After hospital specific audit/review is completed the JHHS Community Health Improvement Strategy Council attends a meeting with all of the JHHS CFOs to review system wide data and final reports to the Health System president.
The System president shall promulgate such procedures as may be needed for the implementation of this policy.
The University PresidentUNC System president and Chancellorchancellors shall develop an alternative plan for personnel in case the designated personnel are quarantined or ill.
Acknowledgments of receipt of the request were sent upon their arrival, followed by almost identical letters signed by LSU System president Jenkins and dated September 20, notifying them (without a specific expla- nation) that he had found no basis for reversing the chancellor’s decision and that their furloughs would commence on September 22.
If the university administrationUNC System president or chancellor believes that an employee has symptoms associated with a communicable disease, the UNC System Office or constituent institution or affiliate may require the employee not to report to work and to use compensatory leave, sick leave, vacation leave, or bonus leave.
The merger agreement instituted an interim management process with Henderson’s chancellor reporting to the ASU System president.
This category generally includes members of the legislature, unclassified executives (UW System president and vice presidents, chancellors…) and other elected officials.
Subsequently, Chancellor Meehan presents the University’s budget, including the athletics department’s portion, to the University of Massachusetts System president and board of trustees for final approval.