Tank in operation definition

Tank in operation means an underground storage tank into which product is added or from which product is removed for purposes other than closure.

Examples of Tank in operation in a sentence

  • Members visiting Beddgelert during Superpower Weekend would have seen the Heritage Tank in operation, serving the small engines terminating at Beddgelert.

Related to Tank in operation

  • In operation means engaged in activity related to the primary design function of the source.

  • Gaming Operation means the business enterprise that offers and operates Gaming Activities, whether exclusively or otherwise.

  • area control service means air traffic control service for controlled flights in control areas;

  • operational area means a work unit providing a distinct service that may include one of the following areas: domestic services, food services, laundry/linen services and the work of aides and orderlies and similar operational work

  • Area of operation means an area coextensive with the territorial boundaries of the land acquired or

  • train operator means any person who is authorised to act as the operator of a train by a licence under section 8 of the Railways Act 1993.

  • Commence commercial operation means, with regard to a unit that serves a generator, to have begun to produce steam, gas, or other heated medium used to generate electricity for sale or use, including test generation subject to the following:

  • Mining operation means any operations undertaken for the purpose of winning any mineral as defined in section 3 (d) of Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957.

  • Operation Period means the period commencing from COD and ending on the Transfer Date;

  • Salvage operation means any business, trade or industry engaged in whole or in part in salvaging or reclaiming any product or material, including but not limited to metals, chemicals, shipping containers or drums.

  • co-operative means a co-operative registered in terms of section 7 of Cooperatives Act, 2005 (Act No. 14 of 2005)

  • Constrained Area means: (a) the In-City area, including any areas subject to transmission constraints within the In-City area that give rise to significant locational market power; and (b) any other area in the New York Control Area that has been identified by the ISO as subject to transmission constraints that give rise to significant locational market power, and that has been approved by the Commission for designation as a Constrained Area. For purposes of Section 23.4.5 of this Attachment H, “Control” with respect to Unforced Capacity shall mean the ability to determine the quantity or price of offers to supply Unforced Capacity from a Mitigated Capacity Zone Installed Capacity Supplier submitted into an ICAP Spot Market Auction; but excluding ISP UCAP MW or UCAP from an RMR Generator. For purposes of Section “CRIS MW” shall mean the MW of Capacity for which CRIS was assigned to a Generator or UDR project pursuant to ISO OATT Sections 25, 30, or 32 (OATT Attachments S, X, or Z).

  • Senior citizen center means a facility having the primary purpose of providing services to the aged as defined in Section 62A-3-101.

  • Tank vessel means a ship that is constructed or adapted to carry, or that carries, oil in bulk as cargo or cargo residue, and that:

  • AREA OF OPERATIONS means the Company's oilfield operations in the States of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

  • Farm operation means any activity conducted solely or primarily for the production of one or more agricultural products or commodities, including timber, for sale or home use, and customarily producing such products or commodities in sufficient quantity to be capable of contributing materially to the operator's support.

  • Commercial Operation means the condition of operation in which the complete equipment covered under the Contract is officially declared by the Owner to be available for continuous operation at different loads up to and including rated capacity. Such declaration by the Owner, however, shall not relieve or prejudice the Contractor of any of his obligations under the Contract.

  • Disposal area means 1 or more of the following at a

  • Railway Operation Date means the date of the first carriage of iron ore, freight goods or other products over the relevant Railway (other than for construction or commissioning purposes);

  • Normal operation means all periods of operation except start-up and shutdown operations and maintenance of equipment;

  • Designated operational area means a geographic area designated by the combatant commander or subordinate joint force commander for the conduct or support of specified military operations.

  • Farming operation means raising, cultivating, propagating, fattening, grazing, or any other farming, livestock, or aquacultural operation.

  • Terminal operator means a person who owns, operates, or otherwise controls a terminal.

  • Control Area means an electric power system or combination of electric power systems bounded by interconnection metering and telemetry to which a common automatic generation control scheme is applied in order to:

  • Operational Control means Security monitoring, adjustment of generation and transmission resources, coordinating and approval of changes in transmission status for maintenance, determination of changes in transmission status for reliability, coordination with other Balancing Authority Areas and Reliability Coordinators, voltage reductions and load shedding, except that each legal owner of generation and transmission resources continues to physically operate and maintain its own facilities.

  • Production Operations means all operations conducted for the purpose of producing Petroleum from the Development Area after the commencement of production from the Development Area including the operation and maintenance of all necessary facilities therefor.