Examples of Target Speed in a sentence
The available options are: • Serial/USB: In this input mode, the Target Speed is specified by serial or USB commands, and the Target Speed is reset to zero whenever there is an error.
More specifically, it occurs in three cases: when a kill switch is active, when a Forward Limit switch is active AND the Target Speed is positive, or when a Reverse Limit switch is active AND the Target Speed is negative.
This setting also affects how the Target Speed is computed in RC and Analog modes: after mixing is optionally performed, a scaled value of 3200 or -3200 maps to the Max speed.
This is the default input mode.• Analog: In this input mode, the Target Speed is determined by the voltages measured on the analog signal lines (A1 and optionally A2 if you want to use mixing).• RC: In this input mode, the Target Speed is determined by the pulse widths measured on the RC signal lines (RC1 and optionally RC2 if you want to use mixing).
If you are using a limit switch and your input mode is Serial/USB, you will need to check the Count column in the Status tab to see this error because in Serial/USB mode the Target Speed gets set to 0 whenever there is an error.• Low VIN: This error occurs whenever your power supply’s voltage is too low or it is disconnected.
Target Speed is the highest speed at which vehicles should operate on a thoroughfare in a specific context, consistent with the level of multi-modal activity generated by adjacent land uses, to provide both mobility for motor vehicles and a supportive environment for pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transit users.
Input ModeInput Settings tab in the Pololu Simple Motor Control Center.The Input Mode specifies what kind of input the controller will use to calculate the Target Speed of the motor.
Table 202.3.1 indicates the appropriate context classification, Target Speed range, and potential techniques that may be applicable to achieve the indicated Target Speed.
Speed studies per the Speed Zoning Manual should be conducted as well to determine if the Target Speed strategies are working and to reset the Posted Speed as the operating speeds change over time.
This setting also affects how the Target Speed is computed in RC or Analog modes: after mixing is optionally performed, a scaled value of 1 means the Target Speed equals the Forward Starting Speed and a scaled value of -1 means the Target Speed equals the inverse (negation) of Reverse Starting Speed.