Examples of TARGET2 component system in a sentence
Each of the AL group members may unilaterally terminate its participation in this agreement, provided it gives 14 business days’ written notice to the AL NCB in whose TARGET2 component system it participates and to the managing NCB.
Not- withstanding the above, the bilateral PM account relationship between the AL group mem- ber and its AL NCB shall continue to be governed by the arrangements of the relevant TARGET2 component system, subject to the modifications set out in the AL agreement.
Ancillary systems shall not be obliged to become direct participants in a TARGET2 component system or to maintain a PM account while using the ASI.
The Main PM account may be held in a TARGET2 component system other than TARGET2-ECB and may belong to a different legal entity from the T2S DCA holder].
M11 T2S DCA ◄ would endanger the overall stability, soundness and safety of TARGET2-ECB or of any other TARGET2 component system, or would jeopardise the ECB's performance of its tasks as described in the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank, or poses risks on the grounds of prudence.
Elle permet d’identifier comment les " Attributs Qualité Produit " sont influencés par la mise en œuvre du process.
M11 T2S DCA holder ◄ occurs which, in the ECB's assessment, would threaten the overall stability, soundness and safety of TARGET2-E CB reference or of any other TARGET2 component system, or which would jeopardise the ECB's performance of its tasks as described in the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank, or poses risks on the grounds of prudence.
Acceptance by the Bank of Finland is subject to Article 14, with the exception that the debit instructions shall comply with the formatting rules and conditions of the ASCB's TARGET2 component system and the settlement bank shall be on the list of settlement banks.
Since 2009 Národná banka Slovenska has been operating the TARGET2 component system known as TARGET2-SK (T2-SK).
Národná banka Slovenska operates the TARGET2 component system TARGET2-SK.