TARGET2 component system definition

TARGET2 component system means any of the CBs’ real-time gross settlement (RTGS) systems that form part of TARGET2,
TARGET2 component system means any of the Eurosystem CBs’ RTGS systems that form part of TARGET2;
TARGET2 component system means any of the Euro- system CBs’ RTGS systems that form part of TARGET2,

Examples of TARGET2 component system in a sentence

  • M11 T2S DCA holder ◄ occurs which, in the ECB's assessment, would threaten the overall stability, soundness and safety of TARGET2-E CB reference or of any other TARGET2 component system, or which would jeopardise the ECB's performance of its tasks as described in the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank, or poses risks on the grounds of prudence.

  • Ancillary systems shall not be obliged to become direct participants in a TARGET2 component system or to maintain a PM account while using the ASI.

  • Each of the AL group members may unilaterally terminate its participation in this agreement, provided it gives 14 business days’ written notice to the AL NCB in whose TARGET2 component system it participates and to the managing NCB.

  • All those obstacles and humiliations explained their sometimes violent reactions.

  • M11 T2S DCA ◄ would endanger the overall stability, soundness and safety of TARGET2-ECB or of any other TARGET2 component system, or would jeopardise the ECB's performance of its tasks as described in the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank, or poses risks on the grounds of prudence.

  • The ECB/the Eurozone has already prepared the clause of dispute of the SLA in line with the Rome I Regulation.There is also a contractual arrangement between the respective NCBs and their participants of their own TARGET2 component system.

  • Not- withstanding the above, the bilateral PM account relationship between the AL group mem- ber and its AL NCB shall continue to be governed by the arrangements of the relevant TARGET2 component system, subject to the modifications set out in the AL agreement.

  • Since Slovakia joined the euro area in 2009, Národná banka Slovenska has operated the TARGET2 component system known as TAR- GET2-SK (T2-SK).

  • TIPS accounts in euro shall legally be opened in the TARGET2 component system of the responsible Central Bank.• Ancillary SystemsAncillary systems are the entities that hold TIPS Ancillary System (AS) technical accounts; Ancillary systems receive liquidity from TIPS dedicated cash accounts by means of intra-service liquidity transfers.• Reachable PartiesReachable Parties are entities that do not maintain accounts in TIPS.

  • Since 2009 Národná banka Slovenska has been operating the TARGET2 component system known as TARGET2-SK (T2-SK).

More Definitions of TARGET2 component system

TARGET2 component system means any of the CBs’ real-time gross settlement (RTGS) systems that form part of TARGET2;‘TARGET2 CUG’ means a subset of the TARGET2 network service provider’s customers grouped for the purpose of their use of the relevant services and products of the TARGET2 network service provider when accessing the PM;
TARGET2 component system means any of the CBs' real-time gross set- tlement (RTGS) systems that form part of TARGET2,

Related to TARGET2 component system

  • TARGET2 System means the Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer (TARGET2) system or any successor thereto.

  • Original component manufacturer means an organization that designs and/or engineers a part and is entitled to any intellectual property rights to that part.

  • Basket Componenti means the respective share as specified in § 1 of the Product and Underlying Data. "Calculation Agent" means the Calculation Agent as specified in § 2 (2) of the General Conditions.

  • MSAA Indicator Technical Specifications document means, as the context requires, either or both of the document entitled “Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) 2019-20 Indicator Technical Specifications November 5, 2018 Version 1.3” and the document entitled “Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (MSAA) 2019-20 Target and Corridor-Setting Guidelines” as they may be amended or replaced from time to time;

  • Centralized Message Distribution System (CMDS) means the industry-wide data collection system, which handles the daily exchange of message details between CMDS participating telephone companies (also known as CMDS Direct Participants). AT&T-21STATE is a CMDS Direct Participant.

  • Centralized Message Distribution System or "CMDS" means the operation system that Local Exchange Carriers use to exchange outcollect and IABS access messages among each other and other parties connected to CMDS.

  • Open-Source Components means any software component that is subject to any open-source copyright license agreement, including any GNU General Public License or GNU Library or Lesser Public License, or other obligation, restriction or license agreement that substantially conforms to the Open Source Definition as prescribed by the Open Source Initiative or otherwise may require disclosure or licensing to any third party of any source code with which such software component is used or compiled.

  • Filter profile means a graphical representation of individual filter performance, based on continuous turbidity measurements or total particle counts versus time for an entire filter run, from startup to backwash inclusively, that includes an assessment of filter performance while another filter is being backwashed.

  • Multiple tomogram system means a computed tomography X-ray system which obtains X-ray transmission data simultaneously during a single scan to produce more than one tomogram.

  • Single tomogram system means a CT x-ray system which obtains x-ray transmission data during a scan to produce a single tomogram.

  • Adjustment system means the complete device by which the vehicle seat or its parts can be adjusted to suit the physique of the seat's adult occupant; this device may, in particular, permit longitudinal displacement, and/or vertical displacement, and/or angular displacement.

  • Cabinet x-ray system means an x-ray system with the x-ray tube installed in an enclosure independent of existing architectural structures except the floor on which it may be placed. The cabinet x-ray system is intended to contain at least that portion of a material being irradiated, provide radiation attenuation, and exclude personnel from its interior during generation of radiation. Included are all x-ray systems designed primarily for the inspection of carry-on baggage at airline, railroad, and bus terminals, and in similar facilities. An x-ray tube used within a shielded part of a building, or x-ray equipment that may temporarily or occasionally incorporate portable shielding, is not considered a cabinet x-ray system.

  • Category 4 Data is data that is confidential and requires special handling due to statutes or regulations that require especially strict protection of the data and from which especially serious consequences may arise in the event of any compromise of such data. Data classified as Category 4 includes but is not limited to data protected by: the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Pub. L. 104-191 as amended by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH), 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164; the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. §1232g; 34 CFR Part 99; Internal Revenue Service Publication 1075 (xxxxx://; Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration regulations on Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 CFR Part 2; and/or Criminal Justice Information Services, 28 CFR Part 20.

  • TARGET2 Day means a day that TARGET2 is open for the settlement of payments in euro.

  • Maintenance Programme shall have the meaning set forth in Clause 14.3; “Maintenance Period” shall have the meaning set forth in Clause 14.1; “Maintenance Requirements” shall have the meaning set forth in Clause 14.2;

  • Clinical evaluation means a systematic and planned process to continuously generate, collect, analyse and assess the clinical data pertaining to a device in order to verify the safety and performance, including clinical benefits, of the device when used as intended by the manufacturer;

  • payment system means a funds transfer system with formal and standardised arrangements and common rules for the processing, clearing and/or settlement of payment transactions;

  • Distribution Protocol means the plan for distributing the Settlement Amount and accrued interest, in whole or in part, as approved by the Courts.

  • Non-Microsoft Product means any third-party-branded software, data, service, website or product, unless incorporated by Microsoft in a Product.

  • Automated data acquisition and handling system or "DAHS" means that component of the continuous emission monitoring system, or other emissions monitoring system approved for use under section 11 of this rule, designed to interpret and convert individual output signals from pollutant concentration monitors, flow monitors, diluent gas monitors, and other component parts of the monitoring system to produce a continuous record of the measured parameters in the measurement units required by section 11 of this rule.

  • Reference biological product means the single biological product licensed pursuant to 42 U.S.C.

  • Phase 4 Clinical Trial means a Clinical Trial of a Product conducted after Regulatory Approval of such Product has been obtained from an appropriate Regulatory Authority, which trial is (a) conducted voluntarily by a Party to enhance marketing or scientific knowledge of the Product, or (b) conducted due to a request or requirement of a Regulatory Authority.

  • Three-dimensional reference system means a system as described in Appendix 2 to this annex;

  • Open type traction battery means a type of battery requiring filling with liquid and generating hydrogen gas that is released to the atmosphere.

  • XXXXX System means the XXXXX filing system of the Commission and the rules and regulations pertaining thereto promulgated by the Commission in Regulation S-T under the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, in each case as the same may be amended or succeeded from time to time (and without regard to format).

  • Adjustable Product Data means the Adjustable Product Data as specified in § 1 of the Product and Underlying Data.