Examples of Adjustment system in a sentence
The Investment Adjustment system is effective in eliminating duplication when recognition occurs first with respect to a member’s assets, but not when gain or loss is recognized first with respect to that member’s stock.
Any subsequent changes to the approved Annual Budget must be processed through the Budget Adjustment system.
Manholes located outside the driving surface of a roadway, and in areas that are not readily accessible and/or are in a flood risk zone, shall be fitted with Hamilton Kent Lifespan Frame and Adjustment system (cast iron cover) or approved equal.
An open aperture of 10 mm diameter guarantees lossless XUV transport to the storage ring target ions.▪ Vacuum chambers▪ Vacuum pumps and controllers including security shut down system▪ Mechanical support frame for mounting at beam height▪ Pressure measurement system for all chambers▪ Adjustment system for below mounted in-flange tubes▪ Heater blankets Laser outThe first chamber, connected with the laser source, has only turbo pumps.
Purpose of the Bundle Block Adjustment system is to estimate the camera parameters and create sparse point cloud (WESTOBY et al., 2012).